Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014

Well this week we almost couldn't do anything!! On Wednesday, we had a meeting in Leon until about 2 in the afternoon and then we had to travel to another area that's far away at 6 to go to another meeting. We got back home just in time to go to bed!

On Thursday, the catholic church decided to celebrate the day before the Santiago Party they have. It was the eve before party that lasted all day. So no one was home.

Friday was the Santiago party and that lasted all day as well. Santiago is a saint that the Catholics have put as the saint for Nagarote so they have a statue of him that they parade around the streets all day every day to show gratitude. He is almost like the Virgin Mary to them here in Nagarote. So we weren't able to do anything that day either.

On Saturday, it was the after party for them so all the people were out, drunk and lighting off fireworks. We live right next to the catholic church so its fun waking up at 2 in the morning to them ringing the bell and lighting fireworks and such.

On Sunday, we passed by the families that we had committed to church and they were either sick or drunk... its sad to see how the people lose their priorities when it comes to the things of the world. They also celebrated Hipicos here, those are the city party to celebrate the city and such.

So this week was pure party party party!! I hope that this week will be better although I hear that the parties don't end til the 3rd of August... Just as I leave, things get calmer... My comp is going to love that!!! Hope things are going well at home!! Love you guys!!

Because of increased life expectancies and modern timesaving devices, most of us have far more discretionary time than our predecessors. We are accountable for how we use that time. “Thou shalt not idle away thy time”, and “Cease to be idle”, the Lord commanded the early missionaries and members. “Time flies on wings of lightning,” we sing in a popular hymn; “we cannot call it back. It comes, then passes forward along its onward track. And if we are not mindful, the chance will fade away, for life is quick in passing. ’Tis as a single day”

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014

So this week was super slow! This week we had FHE at a members house and it was super cool!! The branch pres talked about repentance and how it is so important. He talked about how the atonement and how we need to take advantage of it in our lives. The family really loved it.

On Wednesday, we had interviews with Pres Collado in Leon. We spent almost all day there due to all the other missionaries that were they for interviews. My interview went really well and we were able to talk about how I have progressed personally and how the area is doing. He helped me out alot on some things. I also talked to him about my progress in the BoM. I am reading in Alma 50ish right now. I'm trying to finish it before I head home. While I'm reading, I'm marking everything that has to do with the faith. It helps me focus alot and pay attention to what I read. I learned that from Gpa Poulsen who has read the BoM more times than I think he can remember!! I love this book and love the teaching that it contains. I challenge all of you to started the BoM and put a goal of when you want to finish it by!! And while your reading it, highlight a certain topic of principle that you want to study! It helps alot!!

This week the people of Nagarote have continued their parties and such all day every day... It makes it hard but the people seem to be in a better mood than normal!!! I hope things are going good at home!! Love you all!!!

“When you get into the active operation of your proselyting program, this is a concept you absolutely must have. It has been our traditional course in days past, unfortunately all too frequently, to say, 'Here is the Bible, and the Bible says this and this, and therefore the Gospel has been restored.' Well now, there is no person on earth that believes the Bible more than I do. I read it and ponder its words. I know that what is in it is true. But let me tell you, it is not the Bible that brings people into the Church; it is the Book of Mormon and latter-day revelation. We can use the Bible to lay a foundation, and to point people's attention to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, but until we get involved with latter-day revelation, the process of conversion does not begin to operate in any substantial degree in the heart of an investigator. The Lord said to Joseph Smith: 'this generation shall have my word through you...' (D&C 5:10). That is his decree. They either get it through Joseph Smith or they do not get it, and our whole perspective is: Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.”
– Bruce R. McConkie

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014

Ok, so this week was alright, kinda slow and crazy but things are going well!! So nothing too exciting went on I guess. We did have some things happen in the area but that's about it.

So I sent a photo of a guys arm that has ''Im Mormon'' tattooed on it below a picture of Christ. So this guy just rode up to us on his motorcycle while we were out teaching and asked us if we were Mormons. Obviously we said yes, and we asked him if he was. Instead of saying yes, he just rolled up his sleeve. There was the tattoo!!! At first I thought, what kind of member tattoos that fact that he is Mormon on his arm.... Cool I guess but against church standards right? Well he went on to tell us a story how when he was younger and a punk kid, he found a Book of Mormon and started to read it. He loved it so much, he looked for the missionaries and started talking the lessons. He then tattooed that on his arm because he was really serious about it. He didn't know at the time that it was bad. After the missionaries taught him, he was baptized without his family knowing. He told us that the missionaries would show up and he would sneak them into his room so they could teach him. His family went to another church and hate the missionaries. After awhile, he became Elders Quorum Pres and later on, a counselor to the bishop. He now lives in Managua and works for a Bank, delivering money on his motor bike. It was an interesting experience!!

Another thing happened here that is affecting us alot!! The month of July is the month where the city of Nagarote has their Fiestas Patronales!!! Or in other words, they are just parties sponsored by the government for the city. They have rodeos, parades, Queen Nagarote competitions, bulls in the streets, discos, horses, etc!!!! That is going to be going on ALL month!!! Its really hard for us because the parties make all the people leave their houses! So we show up for an appointment and no one is there.... That happened alot this week! We are expecting to see alot more of that during this month. These parties go on all day too. The catholic church also has their random parades of random saints every other day, and they love to launch fireworks when they parade. Sometimes they parade at 4am and like to wake the people up with fireworks. Ive gotten used to it since every catholic church in Nicaragua does it. The Catholics are pretty devote to what they do, well the few that actually go to church. I've met a lot of Catholics that aren't active at all... But that's when we come in and teach them the importance of going to church and the blessings that come by doing so!!

I love the mission and I'm sad to see the time go by so fast!! Just to think that I only have about 3 weeks left makes me wanna work harder here!!! But I cant wait to see everyone!!! Love you guys!!

First, let me tell you that your prayers are heard. Your Father in Heaven knows the desires of your heart. I cannot tell you why one individuals prayers are answered one way while someone else's are answered differently. But this I can tell you: the righteous desires of your hearts will be fulfilled.

Sometimes it can be difficult to see anything beyond the path immediately before us. We are impatient and do not want to wait for a future fulfillment of our greatest desires. Nevertheless, the brief span of this life is nothing in comparison with eternity. And if only we can hope and exercise faith and joyfully endure to the end — and I say joyfully endure to the end — there, in that great heavenly future, we will have the fulfillment of the righteous desires of our hearts and so very much more that we can scarcely comprehend now.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014

Well this week wasn't the most interesting but it was fun, especially being with Elder A. He makes everything so fun and just keeps me so animated and excited about everything. His attitude is so awesome! He reminds me so much of Elder E as well. Fact, they were comps for about 2 changes so we have fun talking about him and talking about all of our experiences. Elder A was in Puerto Cabezas for about 9 months or so, so his mission is really interesting due to the culture that he got to be in on the east coast.

This week we working really hard with a family that we are teaching. We are trying to put a baptismal date with them but they aren't quite ready yet, according to what they say anyways. We think that they are ready but they need to find that faith and take that step into the darkness!! They are G and A. She has been to church several times and he went for the 2nd time yesterday. She is really positive and will probably accept the baptismal date, we just need that she gets the support from her husband. They need to be married as well so they need to talk about the importance of that. We are having the members that live close, that are friends of theirs, to help teach them. So we will see the progress of that this week, hopefully.

Other than that, things are going well here. I love the city and how clean it is and how nice the people are. I love the weather so far, nice and cloudy and windy so it feels better than getting beaten by the sun each day!! I love you guys!! Hope things are good at home!!!

"Enduring to the end, or remaining faithful to the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our life, is a fundamental requirement for salvation in the kingdom of God...Therefore, enduring to the end is not just a matter of passively tolerating life's difficult circumstances or "hanging in there." Ours is an active religion, helping God's children along the strait and narrow path to develop their full potential during this life and return to Him one day...Enduring to the end is a process filling every minute of our life, every hour, every day, from sunrise to sunrise. It is accomplished through personal discipline following the commandments of God."
--Dieter F. Uchtdorf

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014

Well my first week has gone by!! It went by faster than I thought but it came with a lot of things that we needed to do. Elder A had been with a missionary that just didn't really want to do anything to help the branch here so they didn't really progress in the time that he was here. Now that he is gone, Elder A and I have taken charge in the things that need to be done. We hope that things will become better over time due to our work and effort.

First off, we had to fix the list of recent converts, the people that have been members for 2 yrs or less. The list had been lost before so we had to get a new one printed and then we had to divide it up due to the fact that we share the Branch with a pair of Sisters here. So after we divided it up, we had to go and look for each and ever one of the people to make sure that they actually exist and that they are who they are in the list. That includes making sure the addresses are right and that people can know how to get there just by reading it. The addresses are super weird here, unlike in the US where they go by house number and street number. Here, they go by famous points of interest and how many blocks it is away from that point... so a lot of people get really mixed up looking for houses sometimes.

Second thing, we don't have very many people teaching right now so we had to go by and make sure that the people we are teaching at the moment are going ok and then we have to make sure we are constantly looking for more people to teach. Its hard in this richer area due to how no one is in the street and they are mostly Catholics. We try our best but we need alot of help from the members to find people to teach. That leads to another thing...

The Branch here is a little messed up... The Branch Pres is a recent convert, he was baptized in January and he was called as Branch Pres about 3 months ago. So not only is he new to the gospel but he is new in the whole leadership calling. He has a hard time knowing what is going on and it bugs him when he asks people to help him and they don't do it. But none of what is going on is his fault. The members here are all members of 10-17 yrs ago and know perfectly well what needs to be done, they just don't wanna do it. Its hard on Pres because he needs the help but the other leaders in the church just don't wanna do their part. He asks and asks but no one completes their part. So tonight we are going to go over some things with him and then we shall have a Branch Council with all the leaders and tell them whats up!!! I'm excited to see how much the Branch can progress!!

Hope everything is going good at home! I miss you all!! Love you guys!!

“Men will be held accountable for the things which they have and not for the things they have not. … All the light and intelligence communicated to them from their beneficent creator, whether it is much or little, by the same they in justice will be judged, and … they are required to yield obedience and improve upon that and that only which is given, for man is not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
—Joseph Smith

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014

My new area, Nagarote.

This is the cleanest city in Nicaragua, according to what people say.

These are pictures of the Central Park. They have guards walking around the park to make sure no one makes it dirty.