Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 22, 2012 First Day


I just finished my first day here at the MTC. It was a very long day and a lot of things happened. Let me give you a recap of how today  went. After you dropped me off, I went and got my name tag and verified my information. After that, my Host and I (guy who picked me up) went to my room, dropped off my stuff and went straight to class. We went through some orientation stuff and introduced ourselves. We had to use as much Spanish as we could during introductions and it was a challenge. We then went to a devotional where we met the MTC Presidency and learned how the MTC works. When we sang the hymns, it seemed like every word was telling me that I am where I'm supposed to be and that I am a Missionary and that I am here to give the world the Lord's truth.

When that was done, we went to dinner. Guess what we had!?!? Sirloin Steak with Potatoes!! They must have known I wasn't able to finish mine so they gave me another chance. We then went to our rooms and unpacked, which is a lot harder to do than you think it is. We got our scriptures and headed to the Main Building where we had three lessons. Each lesson was in a different room with three different people. They had been invited to come and help the New Missionaries experience their first taste of teaching someone the gospel. It was really teaching and I felt the spirit in each room. We then went and met our Zone Leaders, who are really excited about...everything pretty much. I can't wait to be THAT excited about the work.

Now we are in our rooms, wearing much comfier clothes and relaxing, just waiting to be able to go to sleep. Well, since I haven't told you about my companion, I will now. His name is Elder T and he is really quiet. It is kind of hard to hear him at times but he seems excited to be here.OHH! And my P-Day is Thursday, starting on the 30th. So I won't be able to respond to letters and such until that day.
I love and miss you all!! I just wish you were able to feel the spirit like I did today and to feel that confirmation that the Book of Mormon is true and that the Lord is my Savior. Please tell Grandma Daugherty that I love her and plan on fasting for her when I have a chance. Again, I love you and I hope that everything is going ok!

Elder Daugherty

P.S. Tell the guys that I love them and that this is probably the best decision I've ever made in my life so far! GLHF

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