Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 1 en la CCM

Hola mi familia!!
So I don't even know where to start... Well I went to the temple this morning and it was great to have my personal study time in the Celestial Room! I have grown to love my PST since it is the time where I can research anything I want to at that specific time. Cianne sent me a DearElder and asked me a question. It was "Why do we take the sacrament?" So in the time I have today, I will be looking up some answers and scriptures for her. As you may know, I can only write letters to people on my P-Day. So it has been kinda hard having to wait to write to everyone. I got a letter from Ginger, you, a friend that lives up by Weber State, and one from Cianne. I hope I have time to write all my letters back today. So I have been to two devotionals here at the MTC. Brother Joseph Allen (he is part of the MTC organization) spoke and he talked about being worthy and having the ability to have the spirit with us always. It was really good to know that I am worthy to be here to do the Lords work. Then on Tuesday, Elder Anthony Perkins of the Seventy spoke to us about being bold and not being afraid to tell our investigators the truth. My companion and I have been teaching an investigator for the past week and we have the last lesson with him tonight. His name is TR and he is here in Provo going to school at the English Learning Center. He is from Lima Peru and was interested in learning about the gospel. I can't even start to tell you how hard it is to teach someone about the gospel in a different language that I don't know. You have everything you want to say in your head, but you just say it because you don't know how to say it in Spanish. It's really frustrating but I am getting better at communicating with spanish speaking. The lessons with TR have been really spiritual and uplifting! We asked him to be baptized about 3 times in the last 4 lessons and he finally said that he wanted to! It is so exciting to have the investigator tell you that s/he wants to get baptized! I can't even begin to express how happy it makes me and how powerful the spirit is when it happens. Since we have the last lesson with him tonight, we will get him to commit to a date and start working on the repentance process so he can be ready to be baptized. We get another investigator maybe on Friday, but I am not sure yet. The days here at the MTC have all started to roll together and the concept of time here is weird. It seems like we are in the classroom for hours!! Which is true I guess but yet it seems so short because we never seem to have enough time to do everything we want to in that amount of time. I have learned to pray and bear my testimony in Spanish. I now give every pray in spanish but it's a challenge to not say the same thing every time I pray. I love you guys and I can't wait to hear from you!
By the way... It's alot more exciting to receive mail since I get to read it the night I get it, but I have to wait a week to read emails. I have alot of time on P-Days to write and I feel that I can put more feeling and detail when I'm not restrainted to a timer that counts down in the corner of the screen. Tell all my friends that it would be awesome to hear from them and that I want to tell them about the experiences here. Also, all the rumors about the food being bad here at the MTC is not all true... The food is pretty good as long as you don't eat alot of it. And I have learned to stay away from the Orange juice... that rumor is defiantly true. OH! and CCM is MTC in Spanish, just if you wondering! Again, let people know that it would be awesome to hear from them through a traditional letter or through DearElder. Either one works!!
I love you and hope everything is going great!!! Te amo y adios!!

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