Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 3

Hola Familia!!

Here are some pictures for ya! The first one is of my classroom, second is of my companion, and third is of my district. I hope that they are in that order... You'll figure it out. I hope you like them!! I really enjoyed the pictures you sent as well! Thanks for that!

Sorry this email is so late, I haven't had time earlier today to email, so sorry about that. So here is an update of what has been going on with our investigators. JA has finally wanted to believe in God but he hasn't gone to the effort of trying to find out for himself. We have taught him how to pray and given him a Book of Mormon but he doesn't seem to want to try and do something about his unbelief. P has been doing really good. He has been following his commitments and has been praying and reading the Book of Mormon but he said that he doesn't feel anything when he reads or prays. We told him it was because he wasn't praying with real intent and wasn't looking for an answer to his prayers. With both investigators, they have been progressing but just not as fast as we would like them to be. Either way, it is the will of the Lord on what happens to them. We can teach them all day and for however long but it won't mean anything unless they actually try and find out for themselves. The spirit is the real converter in the conversion process. I can understand that Elder Larsen may be having some hard times with his lesson since he is speaking an extremely hard language. I've been reading his letters and am shocked that he has a hard time telling an investigator about the spirit and bearing his testimony. I can at least do that in Spanish. I feel bad for Elder Larsen but I know that the Lord will give him all the help he needs. I noticed that my room looks all nice and girly now, from the picture you sent me. I hope Sam is enjoying all the space down there! I'm so glad that Adam was able to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. He will see how big of a blessing it will be in his life. I hope the guys are keeping you company! Ummmm... OH! Could you please send me my slip-on Black Church Shoes?! One of my pairs of shoes is ripping around the tongue and makes it uncomfortable to wear. My Stacy Adams is my most comfy shoes and I wear them all the time!! Dad, I also really like the church shoes that look like nice running shoes. They are pretty comfy as well. I can't wait to receive your packages! And I can't wait to hear back from you! Sorry this email is kind of short, there wasn't much to talk about this week. I guess I could tell you that Elder Carlson from the Seventy came on Tuesday and talked to us about Obedience, which I found to be very interesting. I try my best every day to obey ALL the rules. It's pretty hard but we have rules for a reason. They are there for us to be safe and to be able to feel the Spirit on a daily basis. As Missionaries, we have the privilege to wear the Savior's name on our chest every moment we are a Missionary. This gives us the right to act in his name. Jesucristo es mi Salvador. Yo se que por medio de la Expiacion, todas personas pueden volver a Dios. Yo se que Jose Smith era Profeta y Presidente Thomas S. Monson es la profeta hoy. Me ama mi Salvador y Dios. I hope you can understand that!! Have fun translating!! I don't know how much Google Translate will help you since I'm sure I didn't type parts of it right but oh well.

I love you all and can't wait to hear from you!!!
Te amo!!

Elder Daugherty

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