Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 5 in the MTC

Thanks for the pictures!! I love seeing them! Armagohma looks pretty happy in his new home. Thanks Adam!! Also, before I forget, Happy Birthday Sam!!!! I know it's a little late but I remembered!! Happy Birthday to you too Kip, I forgot to add that in my email last week. I hope both of you had a great day and did something fun! Grandpa, yes, I really enjoy my studies throughout that day. I figured out that as a missionary, ever since i got here to the MTC, we spend 60 hours a week, at least, in the classroom studying. So I've been here 5 weeks, do the math on that. I'm too lazy too but I'm sure it's a lot!! I'm not sure how many of you said you had gone or seen the Brigham City Temple Dedication but all of the Missionaries got to see it too. I wrote this in a letter to Ginger but it's an amazing experience seeing 2,500 Missionaries doing the Hosanna Shout. I was able to watch the last Dedication Session at 3pm. It was really interesting but I'm glad I was able to see it. I don't know how many more I'll be able to see or take part in in my life time. So, I've been having to write down the stuff I want to say in these emails because I forget to say some things that I want to say. For example, Mom, could you send me the address for the Stake President from the Singles ward? And the home ward Stake President? I've been wanting to ask that for about 2 weeks but I have been forgetting. My schedule here at the MTC is pretty much the same thing every single day of the week. The only days that are somewhat different are Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Other than that, I study, eat, study, teach, eat, study, teach, eat, study, study, sleep. REPEAT... It gets kinda boring but I am learning new things each and every day. OH!! Guess who I have seen every day for the past 4 days! Elder Larsen! I only talk to him for about a minute but I haven't really seen him since the first week I got here. Also, Elder Jeff Brinton was in the classrooms just down the hall from me and he just left to the field Monday or Tuesday. I wanted to get a picture with him before he left so I could send it home but we never got the chance. It was good to see him though. ADAM TURNER!!! You need to send me a letter or a DearElder pronto and tell me how your Patriarchal Blessing went!! I really want to know how you felt and what your thoughts were!! I've been thinking about you a lot lately. AS you know, I teach investigators pretty much every day. Now, I get to play the role of an Investigator and have another companionship teach me. The person I have decided to play the role of, is You. I have had the chance to kind of step into your shoes and know how you were feeling before you started taking the lessons from the missionaries. In Spanish, your name is Adan Turner but it's pretty much the same. His situation is a little bit different than yours really was but it's pretty close. I've pretty much taken the person you are now, and taken the church away from his life. It is such a spiritual experience having the missionaries teach me about the gospel and playing that role of you not having the church in your life and not knowing about it. Then, depending on how well the missionaries teach me and depending on how I feel during the lessons, Adan Turner progresses and grows, gaining knowledge of the Restored Gospel and Jesus Christ. I just wanted to thank you for being such a great friend and giving me this opportunity to kind of feel how you felt.
Thanks for sending me letters and not leaving me in the dark on everything! One Elder in our District just barely heard from him Mom yesterday in a letter. It was the only letter he has received here in the MTC so far. His letter from his Mom said that she had been emailing him every week since he got here. He has also been emailing her every week. Apparently, they were both sending the emails to a faulty email. Thanks for communicating with me!!!
I love you all!! Les amo!
Love, Elder Daugherty

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