Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Una Semana en Nicaragua

¡¡Hola Mi Familia!!

This week went by pretty fast. We worked a lot in different areas this week and it worked out pretty well. We had about 5 or 6 baptisms in our zone on Saturday and Sunday. It was really cool to see the faces of those who were baptized, receive the Holy Ghost on Sunday. It seemed that right as the person said to Receive The Holy Ghost, they had a rush of emotion and happiness come over them. Sometimes I think that we forget how important the Holy Ghost really is. I mean, think about it. When Lehi and his family were traveling across the sea, the Lord gave them the Liahona to help guide them. But this guidance device only worked when they were righteous and doing the work of the Lord. The compass would point in what direction to go and words of guidance would appear on the side. But when Lehi and his family weren’t following the commandments or fighting amongst themselves, the compass didn’t work and words did not appear. It would cease to guide them in the way the Lord wanted them to go. Now, we were given the Gift of the Holy Ghost after we were baptized. Realize the word GIFT!! It was given to us to help guide us in this life. But this gift will only help us if we are righteous and doing the work of the Lord. The Holy Ghost will help us to recognize good from bad, and will sometimes put words of guidance into our minds. But when we aren’t following the commandments or fighting among ourselves, the Holy Ghost will not help us. The Holy Ghost is like a very submissive friend. If you want his help, you have to ask for it and be worthy enough to receive his help. But when you don’t want his help, He will sit back and let you do what you want. If we push away the guidance of this very special Gift, we will not be able to receive the guidance that we need.

Ok, now about my week. We contacted a lot of people, walked a lot, and taught some lessons. Nothing too extra ordinary but all of it in the service of our Lord. We had 2 nights of Noche De Hogar (Family Home Evening) with 2 of our progressing familias. Both of the lessons were on the importance of marriage and how husband and wife need to work together to become closer to God. Both of these familias are not married but have been living together for a while. So in order for these 2 familias to be able to be baptized, they need to be married. The whole act of getting married civilly is super important because it eliminates the abominable sin of fornication. And once they are baptized, they are able to become clean of their past fornications before they were married civilly. We are trying so hard to get these two familias to make the choice to get married so we can move on and prepare them for baptism soon. I think everything is going along pretty smoothly and things will all work out. Well that’s kind of about it! I hope you like the pictures each week! I had a video but the file size is too big for me to send.... Sad but its ok.

I love all of you and can’t wait to hear from you!
¡Les Amo!

Elder Daugherty

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