Monday, November 19, 2012

Week of Baptisms!!!!

OK!!! So the pictures are of the family that we baptized this past weekend. Their names are Al and Is. Their little girls name is H. This first pic is of them getting married before the baptism. The second is right before the baptism. And the third is when we ate their wedding cake at our house after the baptism.

Oh man! This week went by way fast! And it even came with some success!! All week, we have been teaching 3 familias about the Gospel. Fam1 is Al and Is. Fam2 is El and S. And Fam3 is M and Bay and their daughter MJ. We baptized Fam1 on Saturday and it was awesome!!! Elder St and S baptized them and Elder M and I confirmed them yesterday during Sacrament. They have been taking the lessons for 4 weeks and are such a good family!!! Al received the Lesser Priesthood yesterday and will be able to receive the Higher Priesthood this coming Sunday because it is Stake Conference. Everything is happening so fast with this family and they are loving every minute of it!! Fam2 is SSOOOO close to baptism but they are having little relationship problems. We have talked with them A LOT about marriage and togetherness and how it can be eternal and everything!!! It seems to be helping a little bit but it’s a slow process. El comes to church every Sunday and loves the classes and the things he learns but S is going to college and comes about every other Sunday. They love each other and love the Gospel and I’m sure that they will be married and baptized before I leave the area of Chinandega. Fam3 is super cool and love hearing the word of God when we teach them lessons. All 3 of them love the idea of baptism and are excited to learn more and more about the Gospel. But whenever we visit, M is cooking, MJ is at school or doing homework, and Bay is at work or busy doing chores around the house. So it’s a little hard to teach them all together. We are able to teach them separately and it works but it would be a TON better if we were able to teach them as a family. We are working super hard to get them baptized and I have faith that it will happen in the near future!!!

Wes, Keeping working hard and being good!! But make sure part of your focus is on the things that we need to be doing in this life; like reading the scriptures daily by yourself, having personal prayer every morning and night, and going to church every Sunday!! and all the other little things too! Don’t give up and stay strong! Love you Wes!!!

Tige, I’m SUPER jealous that you get to go to Ephraim with the family and have Thanksgiving! Here in Nicaragua, no one knows what Thanksgiving is and if they do, they don’t celebrate it. So I’m going to miss the taste of nice cooked turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy!!! You better enjoy it for me!! Also, I’ve already sent pictures of the buses here, but we ride on them a lot!! They are the most popular way to travel here! I love you and miss you!

Russ, that’s so cool that your part of the greater responsibility in the church now! Make you sure fulfill your calling and so above and beyond what you are asked to do! Keeping working hard and studying the scriptures. I know it’s hard to do but it can be done when you ask for the help of the Lord. Don’t forget to pray before and after reading because when you do, you are able to receive guidance on where to read and be able to understand it a lot better too! Keep it up! I love you Russ!!

Mom, I’m glad that you were able to understand the will of God and that he has his Hand in all things in this life. It’s kind of hard to comprehend that but He knows everything and is able to do ALL things in this life if He wants it to happen. And I’ve been writing in my journal about every other day OR whenever something awesome happens in the mission. I am having a ton of fun here and I love the people!! Even the drunk ones, which there are a lot of.... But that doesn’t stop me from loving them because they can still change and come unto God!!

 Les amo!!

Elder Daugherty

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