Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 21, 2013 More Changes!!

Ok, so you all probably want to know what happened at the Change Meeting. Well.... guess what!? I had changes again! So now I am in a new area with a new companion!! From what I have heard, is that it is really rare for a Missionary to have changed so much in his first 3 changes. Usually they will stay in an area for at least 2 changes or have the same companion for 2 changes. So a lot of the missionaries thought it was weird that I had changes again. So I got changed to Villa Flor, Villa Venezuela. It is part of the main city of Managua. So it is really hot now and I am back to sweating like crazy!! And my new companion is Elder M from Salvador. He has been in the mission for a year and is a hard worker! I was excited to get changes but I was really sad too. I was excited because I was able to get a new companion that is willing and ready to work. But I was sad because I worked so hard in La Dalia to get new families and get them ready to be baptized. And then they took me out. But I realize that these changes are inspired of God and I know that if He has put me in Villa Venezuela, it is for a reason. So I will take this change and do all that I can with it! I am excited to work with my new companion in our area and bring others unto Christ!!
 So this past week has been really hectic. So Wednesday (Change Meeting) all of Matagalpa took a bus to Managua for the Meeting. After the meeting, I asked my new companion what bus we would be taking to get to our area and he looked at me all funny and started to laugh. He said that we don't take a bus... I was really confused because usually we take buses to our new area. He then said, we take a taxi because our area is only 15 mins away from where we meet to have the meetings. I felt a little dumb at that moment but that is what we did, we carried my stuff out to the curb and called a taxi. We showed up in our area 15 mins later and my comp showed me to my new home for this change. We showed up to a house that looked really nice and we walked in. Then we walked into a little side room that had a bunk bed, 2 desks, a fridge, dresser, sink, and shower all crammed into it. Welcome to your new room, he said!! Then he continued to tell me to not unpack because we would probably be moving to a different house. The Mission Pres added 2 more Missionaries into our area and they don't have a house to stay in. So for the next 3 days, we looked all over our area for a new house to rent out for the missionaries to stay. We finally found one and me and my comp moved into this new house. We are renting the whole house instead of just a small room. The other missionaries in our area are staying in our old room and will be joining us at the beginning of this coming month. We still haven't moved in to the house all the way since all we have right now in mattresses on the floor and hammocks and our stuff. We should be receiving beds and dressers and all that stuff sometime this week from the mission. So after we got the whole house situation figured out, we went out and started to get to know that area since I have no idea where things are and I want to know where the Recent Converts are and where the members live, and all the families that we are teaching! So we went out walking all day the past few days to get to know the area. And one of the families that we are teaching has a Gma that lives with them that has been taking the lessons with the family. So when we went to teach the other day, we had a prompting to give her the baptism interview. So our ZLs (Zone Leaders) came and gave her the interview and they said that she is ready for baptism, she just needs to go to church before she can be baptized. So we committed her to go to church on Sunday. On Sunday, we passed by her house in the morning and reminded her of the meeting and said she was going to show up but she was going to wait at the house until her nephew showed up to watch the kids that were there. So we told her that we would wait for her at the church. We then went to get more people to come the church with us and we sat down in the meeting, waiting and waiting for this Hermana to show up. We were super anxious until she walked in right as the sacrament was about to start. We took a breath and the church meeting followed as normal. (It is super weird to be in a sacrament meeting with more than 10 people!) After the church meeting, we got the font filled and got the baptism ready! And guess what!? I got to baptize her!! WWHHOOAA! I had to do it twice because she kicked her foot up during the first one. But after the baptism, we ask her  to share her testimony and how she felt after the baptism. She told us how she know how this is the first step that we need to take to enter the kingdom of heaven (John 3:5) and that she could see the hand of God in her life every day. She is such a spiritual woman and I can’t wait for her to get confirmed next week in church. This makes my count of baptisms up to 4 now! I hope to raise that number this change with my comp and my new area. I can feel that the Lord has a lot in store for me here!
 Also today, I went to the Migration place to get my Cedular card. It is pretty much and ID Card for Nicaragua. So now I am officially Nicaraguense!! I don't quite fit the site of a Nica but I feel it in my heart!!
 Christ is not waiting at the finish line once we have done “all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23). He is with us every step of the way.
 ¡¡¡Les Amo!!!

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