Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

Pues... Este semana fue super bien!!! So changes.... My comp had changes and I got to stay in Villa Venesuela!! So we went to changes and my comp was super scared that he was going to get shipped off to Puerto Cabezas. But instead, he got put in Matagalpa!! He was there a change before I went there and now he is back! He was super excited and ready to go, especially that in about a month, we hit Semana Santo, which is the HOTTEST week of the year. All the missionaries hope to be in a nice cool place when this time of year comes around. I got a new comp. His name is Elder G. He is from Malad, Idaho. He has 10 months in the mission. I don't have photos of him this week because we have been super busy but I will have some next week. So when Elder M left, my old comp, we had a family ready to be baptized (P and M) and we had the baptism planned for Tuesday night. Well we had planned a big meal and everything after the baptism to celebrate their marriage and the baptism. So we got there and P was there waiting for M to get back home from work. We waited and waited and waited.. Finally he came home at about 10 pm. So we ate really fast and then got this family headed to the church to be baptized. Yes.. it was really late to be doing this but it can be done! So we were halfway to the church when our Zone Leaders called us to tell us that the Lawyer that was going to get them married had turned off his phone and left the church. So now we weren't able to do this baptism. We were really sad and felt really bad that we had dragged this family out late at night to try and accomplish this. So we took them back home and planned to have the baptism the following day, Wednesday. We had our District Leaders come to give them an interview to see if they were ready to be baptized. But by the time they finished the interviews, it was really late again so we couldn't do it that night either. So we planned it for the next day, Thursday. We showed up and M called us to tell us that he wouldn't be able to get baptized that day because he was going to be at work really late again. So we planned for baptism for Saturday.... Think we should have given up? I don't know.. So we kept visiting them throughout the week. One of the member families that live really close to them told us that they were receiving visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses.... So we tried to visit this family and they were either gone, wouldn't answer the door, or would run away when they saw us. So we went by on Saturday to visit with them and to find out what was going on... We haven't been able to talk to them since. So bad news is that we weren't able to baptize this family. I feel really bad because with my new comp, I'm having to teach him the area, the families that we are teaching, etc.. And what makes it even worse, his Spanish needs a lot of work. With 10 months, everyone we talk to thinks that I’ve been here longer than he has. He doesn't like it and I'm trying to help him as much as I can. But despite that fact that I feel like the entire area suddenly fell on my shoulders, we are working hard and working through our troubles. So the other day, we were contacting families in the park and we contacted one family super cool! They names are G and Y. They are from Puerto Cabezas and are here living for the moment. They are living in a house that some people are letting them borrow. They sleep in the house at night and spend that rest of the day outside. They have a little boy of 4 yrs old and his name is J. So the thing is that they speak a different language. They speak Miskito. This is the language of the Indian people from Puerto Cabezas. G speaks really good Spanish but his wife doesn't speak it at all and neither does their little boy. So when we contacted them, we invited them to church. We passed by their house Sunday morning and they were dressed and ready to go! So they went to church, ALL 3 HOURS!!! And they loved it! Y loved what she could understand and heard. We will be passing by their house tonight to see how they are and whatnot. When I talked to G, he told me all the problems that they have. They have very little money, he doesn't have a job, he doesn't have a Cedula (identification card) which allows him to get a job, and his family doesn't understand anyone here, and the house they are living in, the people don't want them there. So on Sunday, we talked to the bishop and he supposedly went with G yesterday to help him get a Cedula and look for a job through the church employment system. So we are going to check up on that. And we are looking for a house or a room that they can live in so they don't have to be living with people that don't want them there.

So I can see that even though the family fell that we were going to baptize, we were blessed with a new family that needs our help, and especially the help of the Lord. We will be doing everything we can to help them and teach them that our Savior will be there for us every step of the way!!

”I am called of God. My authority is above that of the kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Master and he has chosen me to represent him. To stand in his place, to say and do what he himself would say and do if he personally were ministering to the very people to whom he has sent me. My voice is his voice, and my acts are his acts; my words are his words and my doctrine is his doctrine. My commission is to do what he wants done. To say what he wants said. To be a living modern witness in word and deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous latter-day work.”
--Bruce R. McConkie & Elder Daugherty

I love you guys and I am so happy to be here serving the Lord!!

¡¡¡Les Quiero Mucho!!!


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