Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

Ok familia!!
So this week was pretty interesting. I don't know if you remember the Miskito family that I talked about last week but they came to church again! That means that they have completed one of the requirements to be baptized. So we will be talking to them a lot his week and preparing them to be baptized on Saturday. G, the man of the family has a lot of questions about the Bible and it’s really had for me to answer them sometimes. I really wish the Church would put a little more emphasis on the Bible for the kids that are growing up in the church because in my case, I don't know all that much about the Bible. I mean I know that stories and all but other than that, I never really knew that much until I came to Nicaragua and realized that I needed to know these things so that I could teach the people from a book of scripture that they are used to. Here, it is a lot easier to teach someone using the Bible first and then slowly start using the Book of Mormon after we have explained the First vision and about the Prophet Joseph Smith. But before that, we normally don't use the Book of Mormon at all in our lessons. So with G, all he wants to study from is the Bible. And when he asks me questions, I try my very best to answer them. His latest question was about the Seventh Day Church and why the Seventh Day is mentioned so much in the Old and New Testament. I can’t quite tell if he wants to know why the name of the church he is going to is in the scriptures so much or if he is asking about the seventh day being the Sabbath Day... I don't know for sure but I will be finding out sometime this week. His wife still has a hard time understanding what we teach but we are starting to work with the ward so someone that knows her language can come teach with us. G explains everything we teach to him, to her after we leave so she is understanding but I guess I knew how she feels, not knowing how to communicate with anyone and feeling as if you’re an outsider. I try to talk to her with what little Miskito I have learned from G but it’s only about ''How are you?'' and ''I’m doing fine''. It’s not much but I can see in her eyes that she likes it when we at least try to speak with her. We are always looking for new families to teach and new people that want to listen to our message. Its hard work but I love this work. This is the work of the Lord and I feel so blessed and honored to be here, in Nicaragua, serving Him. I don't know where I would be if I wasn't here right now. Probably behind a desk at college or behind a computer goofing off online, who knows? All I know is that I am super happy that I am here and that I made the decision to teach others about the knowledge that I have. I have the ability to share this with others and I love seeing their faces when they learn something that they never knew, especially about our Heavenly Father and His plan for us in this life and the one after.

"A True Disciple of Christ Will Always be Remembered, For Changing Another's Life."

¡¡¡Les Quiero Muschisimo!!!

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