Monday, May 20, 2013


Hey!! How has everyone been?! So this week was crazy!! Last weekend we baptized a family of 2 people. And this weekend we baptized 4 people. These 4 people were to complete some families that we had baptized a few weeks ago. 2 of them were the kids of a super awesome family!! And what made it even better is that the Father was able to baptized his kids!! The 2 others were the daughters of another family that was baptized a week before I can to the area. My comp baptized them and they were super excited to do it! Its so awesome being able to complete families in the church. I was talking to the husband that baptized his kids and he was super happy that with the power of God that he has, the Priesthood, he was able to worthily baptized his kids and to make it that his whole family is together in the church, in religion, that they don't have any different in between them that will pull them apart. That now, they can share the love of Christ in their home everyday and be able to become closer not only as a family but as an eternal family!! His kids are really shy and he was worried that they wouldnt be able to gain the confidence to be baptized by the missionaries but when he found out that he was able to do it, to got on it really fast. He sat his family down and talked them about the importance of the family in the church and how they could become a family strong and faithful in the church if his kids would join them in the covenants and promises that they made during baptism. The lesson was really spiritual and his kids accepted to be baptized. We just had to organize it and he did the rest. It is amazing to see how powerefull the message of the Family is to the people that are willing to accept the word of the Lord. Many people are hard hearted here with their different religions that make up lies and rumors about the other religions around them. This causes the people to close their hearts and not want to hear what the Lord has prepared for them. I am so happy that as a missionary, I have the power through the Holy Ghost to touch the hearts of the people that have them so closed and shut up to the truth. The Lord prepares many people in our path each and every day. All we need to do is pay attention to the Spirit and talk to everyone we can about the message and the testimony that we have of the true restored Gospel on the world today. I will be spending the rest of this day, my Birthday, around the people I love here in Nicaragua! I actually went to a Fritanga this morning to help them make food. A fritanga is a place, kinda like a resturant that sells food off a grill with rice and beans and such. We went there in the morning and helped them prepare the food for the day and ate some pretty good food. I love NIcaragua and I know that this is the place that the Lord has called me to serve for these 2 years!!

“We cannot foresee what the Lord has in mind for us. Our only course of action is to be prepared and worthy for whatever he requires. We must govern our actions every day with our future in mind.”
--Elder Russell M. Nelson

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!


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