Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

Alright everyone!!! Im writing super late due to the fact that I had to go to the office of the mission today... on my P-Day... well the reason I had to go is because I am getting another new comp. He is a missionary, not a mini, and I still dont kow who it is. G came with me to the office and he has already left to home so he can be with his family before he leaves to his mission in January.

Well this week, was super crazy... With G, we worked super hard and found a couple families that we started to teach and they were super positive. One family we found, was a reference from another missionary that is in my old area in Villa Venezuela. We went to this family and taught them and in the first lesson, we put a baptismal date with them. They were super excited and super positive. They said they were going to go to church with us this week. So yesterday, we passed by their house in the morning and they werent there... Their mom said that they had already left, dresssed and ready to go to the church. Well I called them to ask them where they were and the wife told me that her husband had a change of mind and now he is against the church and he visiting it and getting baptised. So she told us that we shouldnt pass by anymore and that when she gets things figured out that shw would come looking for us... It was really sad to see that family that we had taught many times, that we love and want to progress in the gospel... So that part of the week kind of sucked...

In other news, we had a meeting with the District Pres of Tipitapa to talk about the work of the members and the mission work in Tipitapa. We were there talking about the missionary work and we had the impression to ask the District Pres for a blessing. Like Ammon in the BoM, he blessed each of his brotheres before they went out on thier seperate ways to teach the gospel. So we asked him to bless each of us to help the missionary work go forward and become better in Tipitapa. It was a blessing that was well needed and I think that each one of us now have more of a desire to get out there and work even harder.

So they just informed me that my new comp is Elder P. Ive known him for a bit and he is pretty cool. But the Lord has left me rest for a bit with these mini misionaries and now he is putting me with another companion that will be a help to me and that I can be a help to him. No way to grow if we arent tested in this life. :)

So today, I went to the office in the morning, on the way there, the bus we were in broke down, so we had to take a taxi to the office. We get there and my comp heads out to his home. Hna Collado, the wife of Pres Collado, was decorating the office for Christmas so I helped her for about 3 hours doing that. She ordered BurgerKing for lunch and after I went with her and Elder M to the hospital because Hna Collado thought that Elder M was sick. funny story there. After we were in the hospital for 2 hours, we went to pick up the kids of Pres and Hna Collado from school and now we are back in the office. I met my new comp and we should be headed out soon to Tipitapa. Super Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day and I am super tired now...

“Do not allow yourselves to be made to feel inadequate or frustrated because you cannot do everything others seem to be accomplishing. Only you and your Father in Heaven know your needs, strengths, and desires. Around this knowledge your personal course must be charted and your chioces made.”
― Marvin. J. Ashton

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHISIMO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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