Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

Wow, this week just ended and I felt like it had just started. The time is slowly ticking down and the days are going by faster. This week we didn't do too much. We taught a lot of people and walked a lot.

We are still working working with L and D. He has changed his baptismal date for the 10th of May. But his wife no longer has a date.. We are working with her on that. I love this family and we have a really good friendship. We are hoping that we can teach her the importance so that she will want to do it with her husband. I was talking to ex Elder T and he thinks that he is the key. After L is baptized, I'm sure she will see it and wanna do it as well.

Thats one thing I have learned in the mission, that we can not force people to do the Lords will. Sometimes when we take people to church, I feel as if the people just go because we told them they need to and not because they wanted to. As a Missionary, I have learned that I need to do all that I can to teach about the importance of completing with the commandments and the blessings that they can receive from doing so. But I cannot force them to do it. It would be like getting talked into doing something that I never wanted to do and then hating it after. That's what happens here, a lot of missionaries convince the people they teach to get baptized and then the missionaries wonder why they never want to go back to church. We always have to remember that they have their own agency and that we can do nothing about it. We can teach them what they need to do but in the end, it is up to them if they want to follow it or not. That's where a true conversion comes in. That is when one actually does what they need to do because they WANT to do it, not because they feel obligated to do it. It's sad to see people reject the things we teach but we can't do anything about it other than pray and keep helping them all we can so they can realize for themselves that things the Lord has in store for them!!!

You have agency, and you are free to choose. But there is actually no free agency. Agency has its price. You have to pay the consequences of your choices.

~ Dieter F. Utchdorf

Our agency, given us through the plan of our Father, is the great alternative to Satan’s plan of force. With this sublime gift, we can grow, improve, progress, and seek perfection. Without agency, none of us could grow and develop by learning from our mistakes and errors and those of others…. I do not really think the devil can make us do anything. Certainly he can tempt and he can deceive, but he has no authority over us that we do not give him.

~James E. Faust

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

Ok!! So this week has been really hard. Due to the fact that it was Semana Santa!! This time of year, the weather is at it's hottest. SO everyone gets their pools out and hangs outside in the water, or they pack up and go to the beach or the the closest river to go cool off. And we walk the hot streets looking for people that want to hear our message!!

The streets were pretty empty this week. We walked and talked to just about anyone we could. Most were drunk or were already headed to another church to have a meeting. But we didn't stop!!! Even though there weren't very many people, we were able to bring a family to church!! L and D!! We also had the chance to have Pres Collado come and work with us. He came to see how we were doing and he wanted to go out and work with us. So I went with him and my comp went with some other missionaries to teach. We went to visit L and Pres Collado was very impressed with how well we have been teaching him and his family. He told L that he has the potential to become a strong leader and teacher in the church. The next day, L asked me what he meant when Pres had told him that. I explained that after he is baptised, he will be able to teach others of what he has experienced and help them to receive the blessings just like he will. He seemed very happy about it. He has a baptismal Date for the 10th of May. His wife, however, does not... we are working on that right now. I'm sure that after he is baptized that his wife will see how much he has changed and want to follow him so they can be happy together.

Hope everyone had a good Easter Week!!!

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

April 21, 2014

Mitch, we are having a missionary night for YW. Can you answer these questions for me? Love, Mom

What influenced you to serve a mission?
1. The fact that the gospel has influence my life so much gave me the desire to show others how it can bless theirs. My parents taught me since I was a little kid that a mission is what I should do. They never forced me to do it but they did show me how much it can bless my life. Because of that, I want others to know how it is to have this gospel in their own families.

What best prepared you for serving a mission?
2. Truthfully, I wasn't all that prepared to go, all I knew is that I wanted to go. I just wanted to go where the Lord would send me to teach the people that needed me at that time in theirs lives. But having a family that tries everyday to live the gospel helped me a lot to prepare for the mission. And having siblings helped me a bit in learning how to deal with some companions :)

What has been a memorable mission experience?
3. We passed by a recent converts house on a Saturday. We weren't planning on going but we decided to pass by to see how they were doing. A family lives there that were baptized about 6 months ago. When we got there, the husband ran out of the house with his backpack of stuff and said he wasn't going to come back. He said some other stuff that was causing him to want to get out of the house. We had no idea what was going on and how it all got started. Se went in to the house and started talking to the wife and got the big ol story about what was going on. False accusations and money stealing stuff... anyways we got talking to her more and out of the blue she said that it would be better if she just killed herself so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I don't know how many of you have been with someone when they talk about seriously taking their own life but it is something I will never forget. She has a little 3 yr old girl that ran in when she said this. So I had her look at her daughter, had her think about how much she loved her and how she would feel to have her daughter go without a mom. She said she wouldn't know how she would feel. Then I talked about how much the Lord loves her and we all just started to cry. The spirit was so strong at that moment because we knew that we went by her house at the right time. The Lord really does watch over each and ever one of His children. We must never forget that!!!

Do you have any thoughts or feelings you would like to share with the YW?
4. Young women, I encourage you to serve missions. Sister missionaries have a certain spirit that us Elders don't have. I have seen families that listen to the missionaries for years and then the moment a pair of sisters teach them, they get baptized. The sister missionaries truly have this love for the people. As soon as you find that love for the gospel, you will find it for the people you teach.

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014

Making french toast for breakfast.

The skinny gringo is my companion.

Another missionary in the ward.

April 14, 2014

So many of you have probably heard about the earthquakes that are going on here in Nicaragua and over other parts of the world. Well I have felt several trembles over the past couple weeks but nothing too bad. A lot of the ones that happened, I didn't even feel them due to the distance I am from the epicenters. There have been a lot happening Managua. From what I have been informed is that there is no real damage right now but that we need to be alert. Everything is going well here in Nicaragua and due to these latest events, it gives us more chances to help people prepare for the Second Coming of the Lord. Acorrding to scripture, these types of things will happen when the Lord is soon at hand.

This week wasn't all that eventful except for the earth slightly moving. We were sitting outside someones house and I was on the phone with L, remember him?! Well he felt the moving before me and told me over the phone, I felt it almost the moment he said it and it was really weird. I don't know how many of you have felt an earthquake, but it's something amazing to see, feel, and hear how the earth's plates are moving. It's kinda scary at the same time but the feeling is something you don't feel every day, or want to feel every day that is...

Another notice!!! Pres Q (Stake Pres) is home! He has been working on the other side of Nicaragua for the past month or so and he came back yesterday, We don't know if he will be here to stay but his help is key in the Wards and in the Stake. I hope things can get a little better here in Chichigalpa.

Side note, this morning, we went to the church and made breakfast in the church kitchen!! Super rare that we do that!!! We made French Toast and Eggs!!! I haven't had French Toast FOREVER!!!! It was soooo good!! I wish we had a kitchen in the house. Even though I love the food here, it's always good to make a nice home cooked meal!!

´´Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is hope and happiness ahead´´
--Jeffery R. Holland

¡¡¡Les AMO Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

My trainer, he just finished his mission.

My new companion.

The Stake President's wife.

The Stake President's boys.

April 7, 2014

Well another 6 months before the next General Conference!! Hope everyone was able to watch it and that you were able to get something out of it. I was able to see all of the Saturday Session, Sunday and the priesthood session. According to where the stake center is located here in Chinandega, we had to travel on the bus. So we hooked up a TV with an HDMI cable in the chapel here in Chihigalpa and we watched it here. It was a lot easier and the members loved it.

Also, just so everyone knows, I got a new comp. He comes from Kansas and loves it here. Elder S started his mission the same day as I did so we have the same time in Nicaragua.

So remember L and D? Well the other day we went over to their house to do some service. We dug 3 shallow wells so they could collect water easier. The water has a hard time getting to them due to the fact that they live kinda far away. Well we worked all day, got really burnt, but left there happy. We love this family so much and this week we actually helped them put a baptismal date for the 7 of June. It's kinda far away but they said that it's really possible that it will be sooner.

L was able to go the the priesthood session with us Saturday night and it was exactly what he needed to hear. Here are some quotes that I liked.

"Courage is needed—the courage to say 'No' when we should, the courage  to say 'Yes' when it is appropriate."

"As you pray for forgiveness you will find yourself forgiving others."

"Remember that of all the service you give, none is greater than to help  people choose to qualify for eternal life."

"Each of you will be a model of a priesthood man whether you want to be or not."

"When we choose heroes, we begin to copy, consciously or unconsciously, what we admire most in them."

"Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not an effort of once a week or once a day. It is an effort of once and for all."

I love conference and that chance that we get to hear from the prophets and apostles of the Lord. He guides us and we should hear His words. I pray everyone goes back and studies the talks of conference when they come out so we can do the things that the Lord needs us to do NOW in our lives, not later.

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty