Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014

Ok, so this week was alright, kinda slow and crazy but things are going well!! So nothing too exciting went on I guess. We did have some things happen in the area but that's about it.

So I sent a photo of a guys arm that has ''Im Mormon'' tattooed on it below a picture of Christ. So this guy just rode up to us on his motorcycle while we were out teaching and asked us if we were Mormons. Obviously we said yes, and we asked him if he was. Instead of saying yes, he just rolled up his sleeve. There was the tattoo!!! At first I thought, what kind of member tattoos that fact that he is Mormon on his arm.... Cool I guess but against church standards right? Well he went on to tell us a story how when he was younger and a punk kid, he found a Book of Mormon and started to read it. He loved it so much, he looked for the missionaries and started talking the lessons. He then tattooed that on his arm because he was really serious about it. He didn't know at the time that it was bad. After the missionaries taught him, he was baptized without his family knowing. He told us that the missionaries would show up and he would sneak them into his room so they could teach him. His family went to another church and hate the missionaries. After awhile, he became Elders Quorum Pres and later on, a counselor to the bishop. He now lives in Managua and works for a Bank, delivering money on his motor bike. It was an interesting experience!!

Another thing happened here that is affecting us alot!! The month of July is the month where the city of Nagarote has their Fiestas Patronales!!! Or in other words, they are just parties sponsored by the government for the city. They have rodeos, parades, Queen Nagarote competitions, bulls in the streets, discos, horses, etc!!!! That is going to be going on ALL month!!! Its really hard for us because the parties make all the people leave their houses! So we show up for an appointment and no one is there.... That happened alot this week! We are expecting to see alot more of that during this month. These parties go on all day too. The catholic church also has their random parades of random saints every other day, and they love to launch fireworks when they parade. Sometimes they parade at 4am and like to wake the people up with fireworks. Ive gotten used to it since every catholic church in Nicaragua does it. The Catholics are pretty devote to what they do, well the few that actually go to church. I've met a lot of Catholics that aren't active at all... But that's when we come in and teach them the importance of going to church and the blessings that come by doing so!!

I love the mission and I'm sad to see the time go by so fast!! Just to think that I only have about 3 weeks left makes me wanna work harder here!!! But I cant wait to see everyone!!! Love you guys!!

First, let me tell you that your prayers are heard. Your Father in Heaven knows the desires of your heart. I cannot tell you why one individuals prayers are answered one way while someone else's are answered differently. But this I can tell you: the righteous desires of your hearts will be fulfilled.

Sometimes it can be difficult to see anything beyond the path immediately before us. We are impatient and do not want to wait for a future fulfillment of our greatest desires. Nevertheless, the brief span of this life is nothing in comparison with eternity. And if only we can hope and exercise faith and joyfully endure to the end — and I say joyfully endure to the end — there, in that great heavenly future, we will have the fulfillment of the righteous desires of our hearts and so very much more that we can scarcely comprehend now.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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