Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014

So this week was super slow! This week we had FHE at a members house and it was super cool!! The branch pres talked about repentance and how it is so important. He talked about how the atonement and how we need to take advantage of it in our lives. The family really loved it.

On Wednesday, we had interviews with Pres Collado in Leon. We spent almost all day there due to all the other missionaries that were they for interviews. My interview went really well and we were able to talk about how I have progressed personally and how the area is doing. He helped me out alot on some things. I also talked to him about my progress in the BoM. I am reading in Alma 50ish right now. I'm trying to finish it before I head home. While I'm reading, I'm marking everything that has to do with the faith. It helps me focus alot and pay attention to what I read. I learned that from Gpa Poulsen who has read the BoM more times than I think he can remember!! I love this book and love the teaching that it contains. I challenge all of you to started the BoM and put a goal of when you want to finish it by!! And while your reading it, highlight a certain topic of principle that you want to study! It helps alot!!

This week the people of Nagarote have continued their parties and such all day every day... It makes it hard but the people seem to be in a better mood than normal!!! I hope things are going good at home!! Love you all!!!

“When you get into the active operation of your proselyting program, this is a concept you absolutely must have. It has been our traditional course in days past, unfortunately all too frequently, to say, 'Here is the Bible, and the Bible says this and this, and therefore the Gospel has been restored.' Well now, there is no person on earth that believes the Bible more than I do. I read it and ponder its words. I know that what is in it is true. But let me tell you, it is not the Bible that brings people into the Church; it is the Book of Mormon and latter-day revelation. We can use the Bible to lay a foundation, and to point people's attention to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, but until we get involved with latter-day revelation, the process of conversion does not begin to operate in any substantial degree in the heart of an investigator. The Lord said to Joseph Smith: 'this generation shall have my word through you...' (D&C 5:10). That is his decree. They either get it through Joseph Smith or they do not get it, and our whole perspective is: Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.”
– Bruce R. McConkie

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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