Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 6


So I got the package!! I love the shoes! I am keeping the Stacy Adams, of course. I haven't tried the other shoes on yet. Thanks for all the candy. And about the gum... Missionaries aren't allowed to chew gum because it takes away from our appearance. So the gum you sent me will probably last me for my whole mission! I love all the ties as well!! I will send you pictures as soon as I have worn them all. Which won't be too long. I'm not much of a picture taker, which you already know so I'll send my cards home when they are full. I'll try to be better at it though!!  Here in the MTC, I have gotten a different perspective on the will of God. Having faith in God is fully accepting his will and knowing that everything that happens is because God wanted it to happen. When we are submissive to his will, we can receive blessing that will come because of our obedience.  I'm so excited for Brock to be leaving the MTC!! The MTC is pretty great but after 12 weeks, I would be pretty excited to get out of here too. It gets to a point where you don't really care if you know the language all the way, you just want to get out to the field and teach people the Doctrine of Christ!! Everything Elder Larsen said about the Book of Mormon is true!! I know it is and I can testify that reading the Book of Mormon every day will bless you in so many ways! I was thinking about giving you guys my mission address this time but I don't want people sending letters to the wrong address while I'm still in the MTC for 2 and a half more weeks. I'll send it the P-Day before I leave. So our District is 32C. When we all first got here, we had 12 Elders in our District. Now, we have 6 Elders. 4 of our Elders went home for personal problems and should be coming back in about 6 months or a year. The other 2 Elders went to the Guatemala MTC during the 3rd week here. Our District is really small but it gives us more time to study and have more one-on-one time with our teachers so we can learn alot more. I heard a quote from Elder Holland during his talk called Missions Are Forever. It was a MTC talk so I don't know if you guys will be able to read it. Anyways, the quote goes like this...

"Come to the edge" he said
"No. We'll fall"

"Come to the edge" he said
"NO!! We'll fall!!"

"COME TO THE EDGE!!!" he said
So we went....
And he pushed us.

And we FLEW!!

This tells us how the Lord can help us excel when we push ourselves to work harder. When we come to the edge, the Lord will bless us, help us, and love us more than we can imagine. So I challenge all of you to go to the edge and have faith in the Lord that He will help you once you have done your part.

Les amo!!!

Love, Elder Daugherty

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