Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 7


Lots of stuff happened this week that was really awesome! First off, General Conference!! If I had a choice, I would watch General Conference at the MTC every time because it is so spiritual!! Every single talk was super good and very meaningful! I really loved the talks by Elder Holland, Hales, Bednar, and Ballard. The Tuesday after Conference, Elder Bednar came to the MTC for a Devotional and he talked to us about Scripture Study of the Living Prophets, and he used exerts of talks during Conference. It was really really good! I really wish you all could hear the talks given to us at the MTC. I would recommend everyone who reads this, to go back and study each and every one of the talks given at General Conference. Speaking of which... Mom, could you either print all the talks out for me or just send me the Church Magazines that have all the talks in them? I really want to study the talks in their written form. It's hard to remember all of the talks and I really want to read them!! If you could do that, that would be awesome!! So on to experience number two!! During our lesson with Juan, he was having a hard time receiving an answer that the Book of Mormon was true. We would ask him every week is he had received an answer and he would say that he didn't know yet. We finally came to a point where we asked him what he was expecting as an answer and we found out why he didn't know. He thought he was going to hear a voice or have a vision like Joseph Smith. That was our fault completely on not explaining what kind of answer he would receive. So we told him what the answer would be like and then we asked him if he ever felt like that during his prayers. He said he had but still wanted to know if the Book was true. We then asked him if he wanted to pray, right then and there during the lesson. He was a little hesitant but he wanted to. So we all knelt and he started to pray. The beginning of the prayer was kinda normal while he thanked for things and asked for blessings but as soon as he started to ask God if the Book of Mormon was true, the Spirit hit all of us like a Wall!! It was so amazing and such a good experience. Experience Number 3!! During our first day here at the MTC, we go through these little workshops where we kinda learn how to teach an investigator. We go into 3 different rooms and teach as one huge group of about 30 missionaries. In each room, to start the lesson off, 2 missionaries that have already been in the MTC for a while, start the lesson by getting to know the person and finding what they want to know. So yesterday, we had a new batch of missionaries come in and go through the workshops. My companion and I got to be the Missionaries that started the lesson in each room. I was super cool and the spirit was way strong in each room. I'd love to go into more detail but I don't have much time left.

I got to say bye to Elder Larson the day before he left so I was really glad I was able to do that. I hope he's having a blast during his first few days in Japan!!

Les amo!!

Love, Elder Daugherty

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