Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 8: Final Week in the MTC

Hola Les Amo mi familia!!

So I can't even begin to express how excited I am to be leaving on Monday morning to go to Nicaragua!! I can't wait to get there and be in a different culture and speaking a different language!! So I think I'm going to answer some people letters in this email since I don't have much time to write today since I'm packing and such.

I loved receiving your letter! Thanks so much for the "Ticket of Love", I thought it was awesome. How is soccer and Art going? I know you may be in a younger art class but don't become lazy! You can still learn things from the basics that can help you alot with the more complex stuff. I really love the doctrine of Christ because it works so well for everyone. You can teach the Doctrine so simply so that a child can understand it and so that an old man can still learn new things from it. So don't take your art class to easily, work hard no matter what! I wanna see your name on some famous pictures someday and say "My brother did that! He never gave up!" Be good and be obedient! Be an example to your family too! I love you Wes!!

Sorry I lied!! But teaching these "fake" investigators feels so real! My teacher told me the very first week I was here that "Even though the investigators are fake, the Spirit you feel during the lessons is NEVER fake!" Plus it gives me good practice so I can become better at my Spanish. I gave Elder Larson a BIG hug the day before he left the MTC! He was so excited to be leaving and couldn't wait the challenge that was ahead of him. I have made ALOT of friends here! I try to talk to just about every person I see. It's pretty hard since there are alot of people here at the MTC but I still talk to alot of people. I leave this Monday, the 22nd of October. I can't wait to get to Nicaragua and teach the people there! I'm glad you liked Conference, I hope you were able to find some cool things in all the talks. I miss you too and I love you so much!!

Gma Poulsen,
Only a couple more days until I'm in the nice hot/wet weather of Nicaragua! I can't wait!!! I'm glad Gpa is doing good, he always seems to be doing something doesn't he! Tell Jacolby congrats for me! So every Sunday, We have the same classes as everyone else does during church, just not in the same order or at the same time. But don't worry, they don't deprive us of anything here at the MTC. I just barely finished the Book of Mormon all the way through about 2 weeks ago. I read from cover to cover in a little over a month! I'm working on it in Spanish, it's alot harder though! Keep working on that testimony! Even if you think you have an ordinary testimony, I don't think so. I have learned here that we underestimate the power of a simple testimony. Even if it is super short and simple, thats all it needs to be, as long as it comes from your heart. I love you Gma!!!

Thanks so much for that story of the Japanese Woman. My spanish is pretty good but not as good as I would like it to be. That story really helped me know that even if I can't communicate, I can still serve. All your random stories make me laugh and tell me just how much work you do in your life. Thank you so much for your example and for everything you have done for me! I love you Gingo!

Adam Turner,
You need to email me, DearElder me, or write me or something!! I feel like you have just died!! Let me know how your doing and whats going on in your life!! I miss hearing "What are you up to Brother?" So I'm asking you... What are you up to Brother?!?! I love you and all the Guys (Mark, Kip, Jagger) and wanna hear from ya! Les Amo!!

OK!!! Now that all those are over with, I can start to talk about all the stuff I wanna say! Mom, I will be keeping all the shoes. I like all of them and they all fit perfectly. If, however, I can't take them due to weight issues, I will send some of them home. So guess who I saw today on the way back from the temple today! Marissa (Elder Larson's friend) She told me that she had just turned her papers in for a mission on Tuesday and is super excited to go! It was good to see her and talk to her about a mission. Also, some sad news..... Today was probably the last time I will be in a Temple of Our Lord for almost 2 years!!!! I'm super sad about it but I had a really good experience in the Temple today during the endowment session. I realized that all the covenants and promises that we make in the temple is what us as Missionaries are trying to get people headed toward. Baptism is just a small step in the eternal progression to gain Eternal Life. Our work is so important and I'm glad I get to have the chance to "Go and labour in the Vineyard of the Master". So I'm still waiting for you to send me the addresses of the Stake President of the Singles ward and and Home ward. I would like to write them to let them know how I'm doing. Also, Here is the address to my Mission for the next 22 months.

Edificio Discover 2do Piso
Frente al Club Terraza
Villa Fontana
Managua, Managua

So I will now talk about what will be happening on Monday, the 22nd. I leave the MTC at 5am to drive to the Airport. Where I will be flying from SLC to Houston, TX. I will have an hour break there and then I will fly from TX to Miami, FL. In Florida, I have about a 2 hour layover where I want to make my phone call home.  From FL, I will then fly to Nicaragua, Managua.

Les Amo Mi Familia!!!!

Elder Daugherty

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