Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week before Christmas

First I would like to apologize because this computer I am using has a really dumb spacebar and doesn’t want to work properly. So forgive me if words are connected. If they aren’t, it is because I have taken the time and gone back through and fixed it!
Now!!! Where to start.... Well yesterday we had more people than last time!!! 2 more actually.... Not that big of an improvement but we are working on it!! We have plans in the making for a big Christmas Party to re-excite the members about attending the church each Sunday. We are also thinking of having another sacrament meeting later in the day so that the members that are working can attend. It will be a process though that may take some time. So we almost had a baptism this past weekend!! The family is J y E with their 5 kids. But E has divorce papers from a previous relationship that aren’t complete. So we are going to work on that this week and get them baptized this weekend! This family is super cool. We have to walk about 10 mins from the church through jungle to get there. The big pig, Chela, should be having chanchitos (baby pigs) in the next couple days or so!! We are having them call us when she starts to have the chanchitos so we can come and help. I will see if I can get some photos. One of their sons works as a shoe shiner during the day in the center of La Dalia. He is 13 yrs. old or so... But he shined my shoes last night and they look super good!! I forgot to take photos.. chocho... anyways, J likes to tease me because I’m gringo and still learning Spanish. He likes to change the words in his sentences so that I don’t understand but the changes are so small that my companion can understand but I have a hard time with it. So I just start talking in English to him and then he stops because he doesn’t understand it!! I’m super excited for this family and hope everything goes well this weekend.
We have another family that we are teaching right now. Their names are F y A with their 2 little kids. I can’t remember the name of their little girl who is almost 3 yrs. old but A just had a baby boy about a month ago and his name is M. The missionaries before us helped name the baby. This family lives in a little house even smaller than the ones that we would see in Mexico. All it is is a little room big enough for a bed and a little outside shade where A cooks. I will try to take photos for next week. But they are accepting of all our teachings but they have a problem with attending church with us. They say they will on Saturday, and then when we show up to help them, they are busy and don’t have time to go. We are working on strengthening their faith on that. They are worried about leaving their house because they don’t want to get robbed. It has already happened once. This is really hard for them to go to church for this reason. They also don’t have electricity so we are working on helping them get that in the near future. Every time we go over to visit with them, even though they are super poor, they somehow find a way to feed us huge plates of food!!! So we try to plan our visits with them when we are hungry, because if you don’t finish everything someone gives you, they get a little offended. So we plan our visits so we can eat all of it! We are working on getting them baptized sometime soon as well. We are relying on the help of the Lord for this because they need the faith sufficient to help them move forward.
¡¡¡Les Amo!!!

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