Friday, December 7, 2012

Week ? in Nicaragua

Hola familia!!

So yesterday was Stake Conference for Chinandega. We worked super hard to get people to come with us to the conference Saturday and Sunday. The people down here are super nice and accept just about everything you say but as soon as you talk to them about religion, they get all defensive, especially when they attend a different church. SO pretty much all week, all we did was contact a lot of people to get them to come to the conference. That is where I saw Hna Arredondo, Mom. I talked to her about the whole package thing and she said she would send you a message on facebook, which she did. So I wasn’t able to receive any mail or anything of the sort. I will receive all my mail when I go to Managua for the Change Meeting which is next week. It’s a little strange to think about it but Nov 22nd marked 3 months in the mission!! 21 left to go!! The time has flown by so fast and I have a hard time trying to catch up with everything!! Our family of E and S are doing really good! S is having a little problem with understanding some of the doctrine, like all the basic stuff, which is really hard to get her to understand more basically than it already is. She has been praying every night with E BUT!!!! She hasn’t been reading the scriptures. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT!! If you are not reading the scriptures every single day, I advise you to start now! Even if it is just ONE little verse, DO IT!! A lot of members wonder how they can make their lives better. Well the answer is through the scriptures. The scriptures are the word of God and they have everything in them that we need for this life and for the next. We may not realize it but that is the plain truth. If you don’t think the scriptures can help you, then you are dead wrong! I don’t know how else to describe the feelings I have for the scriptures. I didn’t really read them a lot before my mission and I really regret that. So please don’t make the same mistake as me! READ!! I know it can be hard to find time to read the scriptures, but I promise you, that if you make time to read the scriptures, the Lord will bless you in so many ways! Take 5 minutes of your time, which really isn’t that much, and read the words of God. The scriptures have been given to us for a reason so why not us them. We complain about our lives and how hard it is and how we wish it could be better, but we neglect to notice that the answer is available to us and had been for a long time. In this world, we are able to access the scriptures ALOT easier than we think. So just do it! It’s really not that hard if you think about it.

I’m working harder and harder every day, spreading the Gospel to the people of Nicaragua! I love this work and I love the Lord and how He has blessed me in this life.
¡¡¡Les Amo!!!

Elder Daugherty

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