Friday, December 7, 2012

Week of Miracles!!

We have tons of baptisms this week in our Zone!!! Our hard work has paid off and we are seeing the blessings of serving the Lord. Saturday, we baptized L, 12 yrs old, and I was able to confirm her during Sacrament on Sunday. She is part of a member family but hadn’t been baptized. So we taught her and helped her go through all the steps needed for it. I haven’t baptized anyone myself yet, but I get the honor of seeing many people change and come unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Zone was able to baptize 3 other families this weekend, making our weekend super awesome!!! That gives us about 9 more people added to the wards here in Chinandega. That’s a lot of people to help strengthen the church here. Also, this week, we had little divisions. That means that I went with a different missionary for a few days and worked with them in a different area other than my own. Everyone in the zone did this and our goal was to contact as many families as we could so we could have more families to teach throughout the week. We also tried really hard to get baptism dates with them. This is a lot harder than you think it is. So we worked SUPER hard for 3 days and this weekend we saw the rewards of our work!! Also yesterday, if none of your knew was the Christmas Devotional for the church!! We brought as many families to this as we could and packed our little chapel!!!! The whole devotional was translated into Spanish, which is super different for me. I tried to understand as much as I could and was really spiritually uplifted. And I know that everyone else there felt the spirit too!! If you haven’t had the chance to watch the Christmas Devotional, I ask you to do it!

So lately the whole city of Chinandega has been having problems with the power and the water so sometimes we don’t have power or water to use. Which means that I haven’t been able to shower the past 2 days because we don’t have water.... gross I know but I can’t do anything about it!! and it sucks when we lose power at night because it is so hot and the only way to stay cool is with fans... which need power... So we go by day by day, working our hardest and serving the Lord as hard as we can!!! I’m sure a shower would help me preach the gospel a little better but the Lord has His Hands in all things so it must be this way for a reason. I haven’t figured out why yet but that doesn’t stop me from working!! I love helping to bring people to the gospel and seeing them change their lives to walk on the strait and narrow.

Les Amo!!

Elder Daugherty

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