Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013

Alright family and friends, here is the account for the week of the life of Elder Daugherty in Tipitapa, Managua. This week went by really fast, which seems to happen alot but I guess when you are having fun and working hard, the time seems to slip away. We have spent all week trying to help some families out by letting them enter the waters of baptism. So on Tuesday, we went out to work and during the day, we found 4 families that wanted to get baptized the coming weekend. That is something that we would normally not see anytime in a mission but because Nicaragua is the Best Mission in the World, it is possible and it is done alot more than you think. So every day was a struggle to find the time to go and teach these families that things that they needed to know before they were to be baptised. We taught them all the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that they would know the basic truths that they need to build their testimony. This caused alot of stress in my daily schedule that I definitely didn't need. It helped me to stay alert on what needed to be done but it left me with headaches every night and a rough nights sleep worrying about everything and how it was all going to lay out. On Saturday, we had the interviews for all of the people that were going to be baptised. This interview is just like any other baptismal interview that asks about your belief in God and Jesus, if you will follow the commandments, if you have committed any crimes, had an abortion, etc, and if you are ready to take the name of the Lord upon yourself. Well all of the people passed and were doing awesome. We found out however that one of the families, the man might be married already to another woman so we need to check if he is or not before we marry him to someone else... We are talking to a lawyer that will find that info out for us but he wasn't able to be baptised this weekend because of that. SO now we are down to 3 families. The other 3 were alittle difficult that morning of church but we were able to get 2 of them there and the wife of the 3rd family. After church, we had the baptism planned for about 1ish in the afternoon. The 2 families were there and we were able to marry them and baptise them right then and there. I was talking to the families after about how they felt and they began to tell me how awesome it felt to be able to start over and to feel so clean and be able to live without sinning now that they were married and such. I was amazed at how string their testimonies are and how much they wanted this change in their lives. Now imagine all your family and friends that aren't members of the church and how awesome it would feel to know that they changed because of what the missionaries helped them do through the Spirit!!! The Church is a missionary church and we invite all to come unto Christ! I remember the talk by Elder Russell M. Nelson where he says ''Ask the missionaries! They can help you!'' He taught how any of us as members or nonmembers can find the help we need by asking the missionaries. So what are you waiting for?! Ask the missionaries! They can help you!

''Some of you may feel that life is busy and frenetic, yet down deep in your heart you feel a gnawing emptiness, without direction or purpose. Ask the missionaries! They can help you! They can help you to learn more about the true purpose of life—why you are here on earth and where you are going after death. You can learn how the restored gospel of Jesus Christ will bless your life beyond anything you can presently even imagine.''
--Elder Russell M. Nelson

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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