Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 3, 2013

Ok!! This week flew by way too fast!! Not much happened but it was still an eventful week. On Tuesday, we worked alot with the families that we are teaching to see if we could help them progress in the church by putting a baptismal date with them. It worked with a few people that accepted the date and we have a family that is planning on being married and baptized this weekend. I really hope that the Lord will help us out with this family!! They both have been to church varies times and are really strong! They go to church by themselves and don't need us to come by to get them. Some recent converts who are family of this family decided to pass by and help them get ready and help them actually want to go to church. On Wednesday, we found alot of new families that we went to go teach during the night but it started to rain. Now when I say rained... it RAINED!!! Like so much rain that the streets were rivers and the canals that they build to guide the water, don't work because there is too much water!! There were some parts of the street where the water was up to my knees and sometimes higher. I sent a couple photos home so you could see how much this place gets. And this rain wasn't even that bad from what I have heard the people say here. I'm excited to see what rain actually is then!! Thursday was Mothers Day here in Nicaragua so there was huge parties going on every where! We visited alot of recent converts to wish the mothers a Happy Mothers Day and to see how they were. We also spent alot of time inviting all the people that we talked to, to an activity that the church was having on Friday. On Friday, we spent alot of the morning, passing by those people that said they wanted to go to the activity at the church. We then went to the activity and had fun. There were alot of people that performed songs or dances to dedicate to the Mothers. We even had a Mariachi Band show up and play. But there were a few problems with this activity. They didn't plan it well enough to have enough food and drink for how many people came. They ran out of food and drink and alot of people were kind of angry that they came to something that didn't have food. That's one thing about Nicaragua too... If you want to get someone to go to church, they usually say no, but as soon as you tell them that food will be served, they show up with friends and family!! That is why the others religions have so much success here. All they do is bribe their members into going to church with food, money, and who knows what else. Anyways, the activity went pretty well other than the fact that they didnt plan it the best. On Saturday, we visited alot of people. mainly the ones that went to the activity to invite them to church. We had about 7 families committed to go to church with us. Well Sunday came and we were able to bring 4 of the 7 families that had committed to go. We were really excited to be able to help those people get to know the church and how our meetings are so they came start to grow their testimony and their faith!!! I love this mission and the changes it has made in my life and how much it has helped my family as well. I love the Lord and all the blessing He has given me and all those that He has prepared for me and my family.

''The 2 most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.''
-- Mark Twain

¡¡¡Les Amo!!!


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