Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

Well another week as flown by here in Tipitapa. The time doesn't seem to want to stay put and I am trying my very best to grab ahold of it and use it to my advantage. The cyber we are in is having problems with the Internet so lets see if I'm able to write all this in one place or if I have to go somewhere else to do it.

So this week we had some crazy stuff go on. On Wednesday, we went to Matagalpa to have a meeting with the Mission Pres. about some things in the mission. So we all had to wake up early and leave in a small bus to Matagalpa. It is about a 2-3 hour ride there in bus. We got to Matagalpa around 8 am and we had the meeting until about 5 or 6 pm. The meeting was to talk about the way we have been working and how we can fix or better the way we do things in the mission. After that, we headed back to Tipitapa which is 2-3 hours back. Well be decided to stop at a park in Matagalpa and eat some food. While we were there, I witnessed something pretty funny. A man was walking by the food stand where we were buying and 3 other guys were headed in the opposite direction toward him. The one man was holding a bottle of liquor. The other 3 all grouped around him, stole his liquor and walked off like nothing happened. The other guy was super angry, yelling and kicking at these 3 men that had just stolen his liquor. I was sad that he got robbed and no one did anything but at least they robbed him of something that he didn't need anyways. After that lovely experience, we got in the bus and headed home. We got back to Tipitapa at about 10 pm. It was pretty late and we had just spent a whole day in Matagalpa!!

Well throughout the week, we went contacting and we found another family that wanted to be baptized. So we taught them and we baptized them yesterday after church. We have been working pretty well in the area and we are finding more and more families that are wanting to change their lives. I love being able to do the work of the Lord amd boing able to be the person that He can trust to get the job done.

''The Spirit is the perfect Gentleman. He only comes when he is invited.''

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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