Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

Well I have hit the 1 year mark and now I am on the back side of the hill. Some would say that now its time to sit back and enjoy the ride down but I'm trying the best I can to grab on and slow down the descent!!! I want this time to go by fast but I don't want it to go by wasted.

So to take advantage of the time and use it well, the mission has helped and has made alot of new changes. With our new President, Pres Collado, there have been alot of new things that he and the Area Presidency have introduced into our mission and into the other missions in Central America. In our mission, the Pres has decided to put Hermanas (Sisters) into every zone in the mission. The Zone I am in right now is only Elders. There are about 2 or 3 other zones that are all Elders due to how dangerous the areas are and how well the zone does. Well with the new age change awhile back, the Area Presidency is trying to make our mission to be the first with 50% Sisters and 50% Elders. So they are working on spreading out the sisters into all of the different zones. Our zone is pretty excited and worried to receive Sisters this next week during changes. Tipitapa isn't that bad but it can be pretty dangerous for sisters at times. We know that this is something the Lord wants so we are excited to see the new results. The Area Presidency has decided as well to get rid of our Change Meetings every 6 weeks so we don't waste all that time going to a meeting in Managua.

So instead of having meetings every 6 weeks on Wednesday, they will be calling us on Sunday nights, telling us if we have changes or not, and those that have changes will use their P-Day (Monday) to get to their new area with their new companion. This gives us more time to be working in our areas if we don't have changes so that we don't have to travel all day to a meeting and wasting that time not preaching the gospel. In place of Change meetings, we will have Multi-Zone Meetings where a couple Zones will meet together ever once in a while and listen to the Mission Pres or to a Seventy. This week we get to go to Matagalpa again to listen to Elder Ochoa from the Seventy. I hope it will be a great learning experience!

So this week we were able to baptize a little girl! I know its not a family but people are important too! Her mom isn't a member but the rest of her family is. She just turned 8 about 3 weeks ago and she said that as one of her gifts for her birthday was to be baptized. She was super excited to be baptised and really wants her mom to get baptized one day.

This coming Monday is ''Changes'' so when I write home again next week, I might be in a different area, have a different companion, or stay here in Tipitapa, or a mix of those 3 options!!

A testimony is personal knowledge of spiritual truth obtained by revelation... True conversion is a change of beliefs, heart, and life to accept and conform to the will of God.
--- Elder David A. Bednar

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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