Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013

Well the week flew by way faster than I wanted it too... We didn't do much this week but we worked pretty hard. We have been working pretty hard to get some people ready for baptism these coming weeks. We are working super hard but we aren't seeing much success. We are praying to the Lord that he will help us to complete our goals that we made for this change together.

So I finally got the package that you sent me. I had to go top the office in Managua to get it. Thanks so much for the new socks. And Wes, the picture you drew of me, did you do it for a contest or something? I love it and I now carry it with me in my scriptures. Elder E is really jealous that I got the peanut butter because he loves that stuff. The laffy taffies had melted so I just threw them in the freezer for a bit and ate them cold. The other elders in the house enjoyed the package as much as I did. The books were a nice edition. It made my personal study really interesting thinking about the basic gospel principles that we sometimes forget about that are so important. I also asked the office about the Ensigns that you are sending me and they say that they haven't received anything with my name on it. Oh well, I always have the BoM to read. I'm working my way through the BoM again. I have read it once in English and once in Spanish.

Spiritual experience for the week...
So last Monday night, a week ago, we went to eat dinner at our food appointment. We eat at one of my converts house, E and S. We were sitting outside eating and E started to talk about his friends at work that used to bother him for being Mormon. He told me how they used to invite him to drink beer all the time to bug him about how he had stopped drinking due to the church. He talked to them about how they all go to other churches but don't get any help with these types of problems and how the moment he started to join the gospel of the church, that he could see changes and no longer had the desire to drink or be that type of person. He then went on to tell me how the young men and young women were putting together some money to go to the temple to visit and how he would love to go someday with his wife. According to the date that they were baptized, they could go to the temple before I return home. Can you imagine that? Someone that you help join the church, going to the temple because you helped them go in the right direction? It makes me feel like I did something right and even better to know that I was able to be instrument in the Lords hands to give someone salvation. I know this happened a week ago today but I thought it was the best experience this week.

Ive been thinking about some things that have been going on lately in my life as a missionary. I was thinking about how sometimes we get mad because we aren't seeing the results of the work we are doing. It can be frustrating sometimes but we need to stop and think. What about the success you did have to get you to where you are? What happened that actually got you to that point? We need to be grateful for the success that maybe we haven’t been able to see. Count your many Blessings is one of the songs that reminds me of that things that we may be receiving but aren’t seeing in our lives. So be grateful for what you have and stop whining about what you don’t have!!!!

"King Benjamin’s teaching had a miraculous effect. Gratitude for what they had led to faith unto repentance. That led to forgiveness. That produced new gratitude. And then King Benjamin taught that, if we can remember and so remain grateful, we will retain a remission of our sins through all the losses and the gains of life."
President Henry B. Eyring

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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