Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013

Well I don't think I have ever worked so hard in my life. Ever since I got Elder B as my new comp, we have been working our butts off!!! Almost all of my mission, I have been with comps that have been very hard for me to get along with and to work with. Well after a year of that, I get the chance now to work with a missionary that WANTS to work and truly wants to help other people. I think I have felt the spirit more in this week than I have most of my mission.

Elder B is the best comp I have had so far and we get along awesomely. We never have problems and we seem to always be thinking the same thing. Every lesson we teach, it seems like everything he talks about go along perfectly with what I had just shared.  Sometimes he starts to look for a scripture so I keep talking and helping the people learn,and then I let him read the scripture and it is exactly what they needed in that moment. One time we were teaching a lesson and we were about to put a baptismal date. We hadn't talked about this before but it came to our minds during the lesson. My comp put the baptismal date and they accepted. He put the baptismal date for the exact day that I was thinking would be good for them. After the lesson, I was talking to him and we both noticed how in tune we are not only as companions but with the spirit as well.

We had a possibility to baptise this week but they live super far away and didn't show up to church. So we weren't able to baptise this weekend. My record now is 13 weeks in a row of baptisms. My comp and I have plans to baptise 2 families this change. We have alot of work to do and we are so ready to do it!!

So I'm going to try and put a spiritual experience that I had during the week to put into my letter home each week. So here is the first of many!!

One day we were out looking for new people to teach and it started to rain. We happened to be talking to a older lady and she let us in to take shelter from the rain. We sat down for a while, planning what we were going to do during the week and setting some goals. Well the rain got harder and harder and it seemed like we would never leave this Lady's house. So we decided to teach her a quick lesson about the Restoration. The moment we ended the opening prayer, the rain died down to a drizzle. halfway through the lesson the rain stopped completely. It seemed to me that the Lord didn't want us to leave that house until we had at least taught the older lady about the gospel. We hadn't really thought about it in the beginning when we first entered her house because we are used to teaching families so this old lady didn't seem like much we could work with. After, I realized that as missionaries, we should never exclude anyone from being taught the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even an old lady.

A day or two later, we were teaching a mother and her two teenage kids about the Book of Mormon. This was the first time we had taught them and there were really interested in what the Book of Mormon had to say. So my comp had an idea to have them pick one page out of the 600 and some odd pages that the BoM has. And then we would take that page and teach according to what that page had to talk about. They chose page 521 which in the BoM in Spanish in the ending of 3 Nephi 11 and the beginning of 3 Nephi 12. We were able to take chapter 12 and talk about Jesus and how he called the 12 and how he gave them power to preach and to baptise. This led to teaching them the ending of chapter 11 which is all about baptism. We didn't put a baptismal date with them that night but they did grow to understand the meaning of baptism and why it is so important.

Through these experiences, I have learned to follow the Spirit on the first impression and to follow my companion and support him. We both teach evenly and we teach with the Spirit. It has been awhile since I have been able to wok so hard and have the Spirit with me where I can recognize it often. I feel very blessed to have Elder B as my companion so that the Lord can work miracles through us in our little part of Nicaragua. I thank the Lord daily for this and pray for more experiences that will help me grow spiritually. I have learned that it is not the Area that makes the Missionary, it is the Missionary that makes the Area. No one can say that their area is hard. There are no hard areas, just missionaries with little faith.

"No force in the ENTIRE world can stop THE WORK of God"
--Elder Neil L. Anderson

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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