Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013

Hey everyone and welcome to another weekly update from Elder Daugherty here in Nicaragua....

Well the week started off normal like any other week. Last Monday, we had planes to go have a Family Hoome Evening with some less actives that live close to our house. Well when we showed up, the guy hadnt returned from work yet so we had to cancel... that meant dinner too... So we went to our food cita and had to have her make some unexpected food for us. On Wednasday, Pres Collado called all the missionaries that have baptised alot in their missions together to talk about how we are doing it. There were about 35 of us in total. He wanted to know how is it that we are able to baptise alot and how can he teach it to the other missionaries in the mission. So he asked us all the baptisms we have had, how we did it, through what references, what methods we did it, etc.... He then took all this info and put it all together in a letter that he sent to all the missionaries in the mission.

So I've had set it as a goal of mine to take those things we we told our Pres about and I am going to teach them to Elder Q. Since he is really new in the mision, he is at a point where he is absorbing everything he sees and learns and repaeting it. That includes the bad things too. So I am taking my time to make sure he take in the good and spits out the bad. I dont want him to turn out like all the other comps I have had. I want him to become an even better misionary than I am. The Lord has given me this chance to help someone become someone that He needs in His work. I feel it as something the Lord needs/wants me to do to help me and so I can help Elder Q.

On Saturday, all the missionaries of the Zone Tipitapa went to Cuidadela, a city just outside Tipitapa where we went on divisions with the members and visited Les Actives, Recent Converts, and Members to remind them of the District Conference that happened yesterday in Cuidadela. It was pretty fun and we were able to visit a lot of people and remind them of the covenants that they have made with God and that they are really missed at church.

I love the work of the Lord and everything that has to do with it. Sometimes we think that the work is too hard and it is!! If it wasnt hard, how would we progress in this life?

''I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him?''
--Elder Jeffrey R Holland

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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