Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 17, 2014

Friends, family and any others!!! The weather here in Chichigalpa is amazing... AMAZINGLY HOT!!! Sometimes I walk out of the house, just after showering and getting ready to leave and I wonder whats the point, I just get soaked in sweat walking to eat lunch! But the heat wont keep me from going out into the mission field!!

So lets get a sum up of the week here in Chichi.. On tuesday, we went and got to know the Stake Pres and his family. I remember them when I used to be in Chinandega in the beginning of my mission. They remembered me too and were super excited to have me in the ward. Later we went by the meet the Bishop and his family. When we got there and when he found out that I had just left Tipitapa, he called the District Pres of Tipitapa and asked him if he recommended me. The District Pres told him that Im a hard worker and that he was happy with my work. So I got off on the right foot with my leaders. Even more, when I get to my email today, Pres Collado had sent me a message saying that the Stake Pres of Chichigalpa had called him and told him that he is happy that I am here and that he is content with the work that he sees so far. I just want to thank my parents, for teaching me to be responsable so that others can see that they can depend on me! I wouldnt have been able to be someone the leaders of the church are happy with if it wasnt for them!!

Other than that, we spend all week going around and getting to know all the people and families that we have teaching. We also got to know the recent converts and got to see how they were doing and what help they need. From what I can see here, the ward needs alot of help with reactivating the less actives. They have about 800 something people baptised in the church here but only about 120 that are active. Im going to take what I learned from Tipitapa and see what we can do here. The priesthood holders need to do their visits and the releif society need to be more loving and stop gossiping. :) Alot of people dont go to church because they have problems with other people in the ward. Its hard to get someone to come back to church if they dont wanna go for someone at church that offended them. That seems like something normal here.

The Church is a missionary church. What good does it make to work so hard for something (baptisms) if we cant seem to keep a hold of it? Thats why the members play such a key part in the work of the Lord. Without your help, we literally couldnt do anything. Well we could try but it wouldnt work very well. If we all could work together, the work would progress faster and be more effective!!!!

Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun who worked among the poor in India most of her life, spoke this profound truth: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” The Savior has admonished, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” I ask: Can we love one another, as the Savior has commanded, if we judge each other? And I answer—with Mother Teresa—“No; we cannot”
--Pres. Thomas S. Monson

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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