Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Wow.... this week went by alittle too fast for my liking. At the beginning of this week, my comp and I were able to contact a family that were really interested in our message and told us that they were going to go to church no matter what!! Well Sunday came and went, and they still havent been to church... That is really hard to deal with sometimes. When you spend all your time telling someone about the blessings of obedience to the commandments and hear them promise you that they are going to go to church to get these blessings... and they dont go... It seems to be like that weekly. We have had alot of days this week where all our appointments have been cancelled because we showed up and no one was there or they didnt want to hear our message or other excuses. It was hard to keep working but thats where the members have helped me alot. The members of Tipitapa, who all know me due to the 9 months that I have in Tipitapa at this moment, have been helping us alot, more than usual. They have been going out with us to appointments alot and helping us find people to teach each week. This week was super cool for that reason.

So I don't know if you remember E. We baptised him and his wife in July. Well the other day, he got up in priesthood and told us a story. Now that he is a member of the Church, he talks to all his buddies at work about the church. Well one of his best friends, who lives in Chinandega, was really interested, so E decided to teach him about the gospel. Well after several weeks, E talked to his friend about baptism and set a baptismal date with him. He then took his friend to the missionaries in that area, and basically told the missionaries to interview him so he could get baptised on that day. So E really did all the work of the missionaries for them. That is what I call ''Every member a missionary.'' I love the fact that we were able to help E and his family find the gospel and gain the blessings in their lives and even more that they are passing it along to others. I love this gospel!!!

Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the Lord's vineyard, to bring souls unto him.
--Thomas S. Monson

"Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. Few things have greater eternal consequence than blessing generations by bringing one person into the gospel."
-- Elder Richard G. Scott


Elder Daugherty

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