Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Another week!!! and we ended it with a baptism!! We have been working for a while to get this all ready!! So last Monday, we talked to this guy about the church when we were on the way to the cyber to write the fam. He gave us his direction and we went to his house on Tuesday. We talked to his wife and him and we put a baptismal date with them for the 22nd of march. We went to visit them throughout the week to teach them. On Wednesday, we showed up to watch the Restoration video with them but their DVD didn't have a control so we didn't know how we were going to change the language so they could understand it but the moment that we put it in the DVD, it started in Spanish and with Spanish subtitles... I looked at my comp and Elder W (ZL) who was with us and we were amazed at how that all went. We didn't know what to do other than push play and watch with the family. We felt the spirit super strong in the lesson but the only bad thing is that due to the scratchy disc, the disc got really jumpy right at the First Vision part of the video.... it was kinda sad but it was still a miracle that it started in Spanish because it NEVER does that. We always have to go into the menu and change it so we were super grateful for that. Well Saturday comes, and we go to teach the family about the BoM and only the wife was there. We asked her where her husband went and she said that he moved out... She went on to tell us that after 26 yrs of being married that he decided to go off with some other woman that already has 4 other kids with probably 4 different guys. It was really hard to accept the fact that he had left and she was really forgiving about the whole thing. We invited her to church to so she could show God that she wanted to keep being blessed no matter the situation and she went!!!!! And she loved it!!! We are looking for her husband so we can talk to him and get things back into order!!

So on Saturday, we were able to have a baptism of a young woman that is a sister of a recent convert. Her name is M and she is super awesome!! When we first talked to her, she said she wanted to be baptised. we were kinda shocked but we told her that if she really wanted to do it, she needed to show the Lord that she wants to do it. She has been to church every Sunday since then and she is reading the BoM as well!!

So we have Stake Conference next weekend so we are hoping to get people to go to church with us that day and see how a church building can really fill up!! I love all of you!!! I love it here and the time is going by too fast!!

“Baptism is a sign to God, to angels, and to heaven that we do the will of God, and there is no other way beneath the heavens whereby God hath ordained for man to come to Him to be saved, and enter into the kingdom of God, except faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and baptism for the remission of sins, and any other course is in vain; then you have the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
--Joseph Smith

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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