Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014

So today is the last PDay that my comp has in his mission... He isn't helping me with his trunkiness but its not stopping us from working hard!! This week I was talking to the Elder Q who is still in Tipitapa, and he told me that a family we had been teaching got baptized on Saturday!! I found this family about 6 months ago with Elder B! & long months and now they are part of the grand work of the Lord!!

Funny story......
The other day, we were running late to a dinner apppointment at a members house, so we decided to take a taxi. While we were in the taxi, I took my wallet out to get the money to pay for the ride. Well the taxi took a longer route than i thought so I put the wallet on top of my bag which was on my lap. Well we finally go to our destination, I gave the guy the money and stepped out of the taxi, putting my change in my pocket, planning on putting it in my wallet when we got to the house of the members because there were a lot of people on the corner, drunks, and such. Well we start walking to the house which happens to be in a dark alley way and I feel in my back pocket for my wallet.... and its not there.... I don't carry much in my wallet due to the fact that there's a chance of getting robbed here so I only carry my nicaraguense license, my mission debit card which doesn't have any money on it, and a little bit of cash for food and taxis. Well this day, of all days, I had my personal debit card in my wallet because I had taken a bit of money out earlier in the day. I never carry my personal card, only if I need to take out money and I usually drop it off at the house right after I use it. Well I had forgotten to take it out after I used it that day..... So I was freaking out and stressing about how I have to tell my parents that I lost it and call the mission to report my lost license and my mission debit card and then I stopped to think about how I could have dropped it. I thought it had fallen in the taxi and I would never see it again. It could have also fallen on the ground and all the drunks and druggies on the corner could have grabbed it. So I turned around, and ran back to where the taxi had dropped us off...... AND THERE IT WAS!!!! Laying right where it had fallen off my lap when I stood up out of the taxi. So no there is no need to worry Mom and Dad :) everything is ok hahaha

Another story...
We passed by a recent converts house on Saturday. We weren't planning on going but we decided to pass by to see how they were doing. A family lives there that were baptized about 6 months ago. When we got there, the husband ran out of the house with his backpack of stuff and said he wasn't going to come back. He said some other stuff that was causing him to want to get out of the house. We had no idea what was going on and how it all got started. Se went in to the house and started talking to the wife and got the big ol story about what was going on. False accusations and money stealing stuff... anyways we got talking to her more and out of the blue she said that it would be better if she just killed herself so she wouldnt have to suffer anymore. I don't know how many of you have been with someone when they talk about seriously taking their own life but it is something I will never forget. She has a little 3 yr old girl that ran in when she said this. So I had her look at her daughter, had her think about how much she loved her and how she would feel to have her daughter go without a mom. She said she wouldn't know how she would feel. Then I talked about how much the Lord loves her and we all just started to cry. The spirit was so strong at that moment because we knew that we went by her house at the right time. The Lord really does watch over each and ever one of His children. We must never forget that!!!

You Matter to Him
My dear brothers and sisters, it may be true that man is nothing in comparison to the greatness of the universe. At times we may even feel insignificant, invisible, alone, or forgotten. But always remember—you matter to Him! If you ever doubt that, consider these four divine principles:

First, God loves the humble and meek, for they are “greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”17

Second, the Lord entrusts “the fulness of [His] gospel [to] be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world.”18 He has chosen “the weak things of the world [to] come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones”19 and to put to shame “the things which are mighty.”20

Third, no matter where you live, no matter how humble your circumstances, how meager your employment, how limited your abilities, how ordinary your appearance, or how little your calling in the Church may appear to you, you are not invisible to your Heavenly Father. He loves you. He knows your humble heart and your acts of love and kindness. Together, they form a lasting testimony of your fidelity and faith.

Fourth and finally, please understand that what you see and experience now is not what forever will be. You will not feel loneliness, sorrow, pain, or discouragement forever. We have the faithful promise of God that He will neither forget nor forsake those who incline their hearts to Him.21 Have hope and faith in that promise. Learn to love your Heavenly Father and become His disciple in word and in deed.

Be assured that if you but hold on, believe in Him, and remain faithful in keeping the commandments, one day you will experience for yourselves the promises revealed to the Apostle Paul: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”22

Brothers and sisters, the most powerful Being in the universe is the Father of your spirit. He knows you. He loves you with a perfect love.

God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to Him.

May we ever believe, trust, and align our lives so that we will understand our true eternal worth and potential. May we be worthy of the precious blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for us is my prayer in the name of His Son, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf

¡¡¡Les AMO Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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