Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014

So this week was very interesting... we didn't do very much on Tuesday but on Wednesday, everything started for us. The Assistants of President (APs) decided to come to our area and help us out for the day. So all day, we went on divisions and visited less actives, converts, investigators, etc. We worked all day until we couldn't do anything else that day. That night, we put a lot of goals with the APs to help get our area moving and progressing. So all week we have been working like horses... Nica saying... to get our area into shape. Every day, we went our early, got working and talked to everyone and asked them if they knew anyone that we could go teach. Its funny to see a die hard catholic guy refuse your message but tell you about a family down the road that doesn't go to church that he thinks would love to receive the gospel. That is what we did all week, asking people about theirs friends and family and if we could go teach them!! We started our week off with only 3 families that we were teaching and we ended the week with 8 families teaching!! After the APs left on Wednesday, T and I worked super hard the rest of the week!!

So on Friday, I woke up with a stuffy throat and didn't think much of it. By the end of the day, my throat was hurting a bit and my voice was a bit raspy. Well on Saturday morning, my voice was super deep and at about noon, my voice was pretty much gone. My poor comp had to do alot of talking to make up for what I couldn't say. On Sunday, it wasn't any better but by the night, i could kind of talk, like a loud whisper. Well today it is a little but better. I called one of my recent converts in Tipitapa this morning to see how they were doing, and they couldn't recognize who it was because of my voice. The Stake Pres's wife and her kids like to tease me about my voice every since it started to go bad! I need to get a picture with them so you guys can see how awesome they are!! But even though I couldn't really talk this week, we were still able to work super hard and give our area a little boost. We plan on working just as hard this week to be able to get our area good and ready so we can baptize a family here just before T leaves!!!

“It's great to have your feet on the ground -- but keep them moving. Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind. Thinking without constructive action becomes a disease.”
– Henry Ford

“It is for us to make the effort. The result is always in God's hands.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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