Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014

Well thanks to all of those that wrote me and wished me a happy birthday :) The day went by really well. So this week we had a couple things that went on. One, it was my birthday so that made the beginning of the week really good, Second, living in a restaurant by our food cita, we started teaching a gringo the lessons in english.... You have no idea how hard it is to explain the gospel to someone in english after teaching it for so long in spanish. He had alot of different thoughts about the church and our beliefs but it was fun talking to him. Third, We had a conference with Pres Collado on Friday, talking about the new number system that we are using and how we can use it to help the people we are teaching to progress in the gospel :)

This Sunday we also had the Stake Priesthood Session. It was really good except for the fact that we could have had a bigger atendance but its alright. We will strive to do better next time! But another thing is that Pres Q came back from working on the coast so he was at the meeting. He probably wont be leaving back out for awhile. Almost all of the bishops talked about the different duties we have as holders of the priesthood. Some talked on service, others talked on the Sacrament, others on blesssings, etc. Then the Stake Pres spoke and he talked about how bad all the members have been acting at church, using phones, tablets, not paying attention, etc and how we need to fix it NOW because we are the ones in charge of carryig out the Lords work here on the Earth because the Lord has assigned us to do so. He made a joke of the fact that some of us go to the church just to steal the WiFi thats there. But if we think about it, especially the teenagers, how many of them go to church and use their iPhones and such because there is WiFi there? We need to realize why we go to church and have reverence of the things sacred in the church. I loved his talk and I'm sure it helped everyone, including myself to want to be alittle better.

Love you guys!! Hope things are going good at home!

"'Sacred' means worthy of veneration and respect. By designating something as sacred, the Lord signals that it is of higher value and priority than other things. Sacred things are to be treated with more care, given greater deference, and regarded with deeper reverence. Sacred ranks high in the hierarchy of heavenly values."
—Elder Paul B. Pieper

"During sacrament meeting—and especially during the sacrament service—we should concentrate on worship and refrain from all other activities, especially from behavior that could interfere with the worship of others. Even a person who slips into quiet slumber does not interfere with others. Sacrament meeting is not a time for reading books or magazines. Young people, it is not a time for whispered conversations on cell phones or for texting persons at other locations. When we partake of the sacrament, we make a sacred covenant that we will always remember the Savior. How sad to see persons obviously violating that covenant in the very meeting where they are making it."
—Dallin H. Oaks

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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