Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014

Well my first week has gone by!! It went by faster than I thought but it came with a lot of things that we needed to do. Elder A had been with a missionary that just didn't really want to do anything to help the branch here so they didn't really progress in the time that he was here. Now that he is gone, Elder A and I have taken charge in the things that need to be done. We hope that things will become better over time due to our work and effort.

First off, we had to fix the list of recent converts, the people that have been members for 2 yrs or less. The list had been lost before so we had to get a new one printed and then we had to divide it up due to the fact that we share the Branch with a pair of Sisters here. So after we divided it up, we had to go and look for each and ever one of the people to make sure that they actually exist and that they are who they are in the list. That includes making sure the addresses are right and that people can know how to get there just by reading it. The addresses are super weird here, unlike in the US where they go by house number and street number. Here, they go by famous points of interest and how many blocks it is away from that point... so a lot of people get really mixed up looking for houses sometimes.

Second thing, we don't have very many people teaching right now so we had to go by and make sure that the people we are teaching at the moment are going ok and then we have to make sure we are constantly looking for more people to teach. Its hard in this richer area due to how no one is in the street and they are mostly Catholics. We try our best but we need alot of help from the members to find people to teach. That leads to another thing...

The Branch here is a little messed up... The Branch Pres is a recent convert, he was baptized in January and he was called as Branch Pres about 3 months ago. So not only is he new to the gospel but he is new in the whole leadership calling. He has a hard time knowing what is going on and it bugs him when he asks people to help him and they don't do it. But none of what is going on is his fault. The members here are all members of 10-17 yrs ago and know perfectly well what needs to be done, they just don't wanna do it. Its hard on Pres because he needs the help but the other leaders in the church just don't wanna do their part. He asks and asks but no one completes their part. So tonight we are going to go over some things with him and then we shall have a Branch Council with all the leaders and tell them whats up!!! I'm excited to see how much the Branch can progress!!

Hope everything is going good at home! I miss you all!! Love you guys!!

“Men will be held accountable for the things which they have and not for the things they have not. … All the light and intelligence communicated to them from their beneficent creator, whether it is much or little, by the same they in justice will be judged, and … they are required to yield obedience and improve upon that and that only which is given, for man is not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
—Joseph Smith

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014

My new area, Nagarote.

This is the cleanest city in Nicaragua, according to what people say.

These are pictures of the Central Park. They have guards walking around the park to make sure no one makes it dirty. 

June 23, 2014

Well this past week was super awesome!! We taught so many people and found so many new investigators!! By the end of the week, we were teaching about 8 families!! But then the bad news came.... We both had changes!! In fact, all 4 of us in Chichigalpa had changes! They are putting 4 really really new people in there so they get train them. So we all go shipped to different places!! I am now in Nagarote, that is part of the zone Leon. I had to take a 2 hour bus ride to the area where my new comp picked me up. His name is Elder A and he is from British Colombia, Canada. He has about 19 months in the mission. He seems really cool, kinda shy at times but when he wants to express himself, he does it!!! He will be a great comp to be with for the last 6 weeks of my mission.

I was hoping to finish my mission in Chichigalpa but the Lord knows what I need so He sent me to Nagarote. In the pictures I sent home, they are of the Center Park here in the city. The people here take pride in this park and keep it SUPER clean!!! There are guards that walk around and make sure that no one makes it dirty! The streets are really decorated and nicely paved. The city of Nagarote are well known for their Quesillo. It is a dish typically made from a thick corn tortilla wrapped around soft cheese, pickled onions, and a sauce of sour cream or liquid cheese and vinegar. Sounds really good right?! I'm not sure whether or not i will try one while I am here but we shall see. The statue of the lady is suppose to symbolize how they sell so much of it here. They will walk around with the tray and sell it anywhere anytime.

This past Sunday, C and his wife went to church. They have been going through some hard times due to the baby and how he keeps getting really sick. He has been throwing up and had fevers and such things that a 25 day old baby shouldn't have. They were really worried about him but they were able to church at night yesterday. C loved it and his wife loved how big the church was. She told me that she would love a house as big as the church!! I feel bad that we have to leave them but the new Sister missionaries that will be coming in our place will have an awesome family to work with!!

On Saturday, we also had an awesome chance to help the bishop to paint his living room. He had painted the outside of his house and we offered our help so we showed up, he gave us breakfast, and we painted all morning. It went really well and the bishop loved it. And even better is that I taught the class on service on Sunday the next day! I shared about our trips to Mexico as well. I love being able to talk about how much service really works because Ive seen it!! These 2 years are a huge service that I'm going to miss doing 24/7.

So this will be my last area in the 45 days or so that I have left. I hope the make the best out of it and make sure that I leave here with having done something good!! I want to be able to go home and look back on what Ive done and be proud of it and not regretful. I'm trying to become better each day, not only in teaching as a missionary, but also as a son of God. That's something we always need to be doing, not just every once in awhile. I hope we all try to become a little better each and everyday!!

“Each of us is under a divinely spoken obligation to reach out with pardon and mercy and to forgive one another. There is a great need for this Christlike attribute in our families, in our marriages, in our wards and stakes, in our communities, and in our nations.

We will receive the joy of forgiveness in our own lives when we are willing to extend that joy freely to others. Lip service is not enough. We need to purge our hearts and minds of feelings and thoughts of bitterness and let the light and the love of Christ enter in. As a result, the Spirit of the Lord will fill our souls with the joy accompanying divine peace of conscience.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

June 23, 2014

Painting the Bishop's house!!

Elder S was tired so he painted laying down.

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014'

Well next week are changes so we shall see what happens!!! I'm not sure, I have heard that there might be big changes here but we still aren't sure. We will find out for sure on Sunday or Monday So I will be sure to let you know :)

This week we have been working to find new people to teach because lately it has been pretty hard to find people that want to listen to us or even want to go to church. Sometimes it's really hard to deal with all the pressure that comes from our leaders and the other missionaries that are around us. But if we rely on the Lord and do the things that He has asked us to do, everything comes out to be that way that He wants it to be. But that's the key. We need to be submissive to His will. A lot of times here, we think that we know what is the best way to teach and we stick to that same plan and it doesn't seem to wok after awhile. Then we start to wonder why we aren't seeing the same results that we saw before. That is when we need to realize that we don't always know what's best. The Lord does. And He is just waiting for us to come looking for the direction that He wants to give to us. If we are not willing to submit to His will, then there is no way that we will see the things that He wants us to see or partake of the blessings that He has waiting for us.

It's a lot like life. We need to know that if we aren't willing to change some of the habits that we have, we won't change... it's that simple. Easy to say but hard to do right?! That's why the Lord has blessed with the manual on how to do it. Whenever we don't know how to do something, where do we go? To the instruction manual or to someone that knows. Well we have the scriptures right in front of us and more than enough leaders in the church that are more than willing to help us. The Lord is always at hand to help us every step of the way. He promises that in D&C 82:10. He says, I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise. He has told us that if we do OUR part, He is obligated to do HIS part. BUT that is the key!!! We have to do OUR PART!!! Sometimes the people think that they can go about doing whatever they want and that the Lord will just bless them for everything but it doesn't work like that!! If we think like that, we need to stop and reconsider what the Lord has promised us. We need to change to open up the path for all the blessings to come to us.

I love all of you!!! Hope everything is good at home!!!

"It is never too late to strengthen the foundation of faith. There is always time. With faith in the Savior, you can repent and plead for forgiveness. There is someone you can forgive. There is someone you can thank. There is someone you can serve and lift. You can do it wherever you are and however alone and deserted you may feel.

"I cannot promise an end to your adversity in this life. I cannot assure you that your trials will seem to you to be only for a moment. One of the characteristics of trials in life is that they seem to make clocks slow down and then appear almost to stop.

"There are reasons for that. Knowing those reasons may not give much comfort, but it can give you a feeling of patience."
President Henry B. Eyring

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

We were all in Tipitapa at one time.

A Guardabarranco, the national bird of Nicaragua

Men in Black

June 9, 2014

So this week went by way to fast!! We did a lot of cool things and it went well!!!

So this week we got to know an American Veteran from the Special Forces. He now lives here in Chichigalpa with his young Nica wife and she just had his very first kid!!! His name is C and he is only living her for a time, he wants to go live in Panama due to the weather and how much easier it is to deal with the government there than here in Nicaragua. His new baby boy is named C as well and he has about 11 days now. C speaks really good Spanish since he has served all over in Central America for his Special Forces job. When we first met him, he invited us in, got a drinks, and put down a huge fan so we could cool off. He then began to tell us about his life and how he got to this point. He then showed us the brand new washer he just bought and the hot water shower head he put in the other day. He loves us and we love talking to him. I think he misses the American culture, just not how costly it is. We are probably going to take him and his wife to church next Sunday!!

We also had a Multi Zone Conference on Thursday in Leon. We took a bus over there really early and we were there almost all day!! We didn't get back to our area until 7 at night!! But we talked about a lot of awesome things!!! I just wanna share with you my notes.

*Revelation will not come to us unless we go looking for it. We have to do our part before the Lord will help us on your way.

*We cannot loose out on all the benefits that the Gospel brings to our lives. Don't live below your privileges.

*Take advantage of what we came here to do. The mission is full of blessings, we just need to find out how to get them!!

*Are you sleeping during the Restoration? Talk by Elder Uchtdorf

*The best time to plant a tree was 20 yrs ago. The second best time is now. If we want to change, we should have changed a long time ago but the best time is to change now!!

The conference went on to talk about how each area is doing and how it can progress. We need some work but we are working our hardest to do so!!

I hope things are going good at home!! Love you guys!!!

“Jesus said several times, “Come, follow me.” His was a program of “do what I do,” rather than “do what I say.” His innate brilliance would have permitted him to put on a dazzling display, but that would have left his followers far behind. He walked and worked with those he was to serve. His was not a long-distance leadership. He was not afraid of close friendships; he was not afraid that proximity to him would disappoint his followers. The leaven of true leadership cannot lift others unless we are with and serve those to be led.”
― Spencer W. Kimball

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014

Well, sorry hat I have to write on a Tuesday but the weather would not let me write yesterday. I just want to write a bit about the week since I dont have much time.

This week we basically just worked with the people that we have teaching. F, finally accepted a baptismal date!! Its for the 21st of June but that thing is that we think she headed to Panama to work.... So we don't know now what is going to happen.

We found another teenagers, I, who has been to church a lot and we are going to try to put a baptismal date with him this week!!

The rainy season has started and it is coming with a lot of thunder and lightening!! A lot more than I have heard in my life!! These past couple days it has been raining a lot!! When the thunder starts, the power gets really bad and flickers out a lot. So it has actually started to rain again right now so I'm going to wrap this up!!

Hope everyone had a great week and I love you all!!! There will be a better letter next week :)

“Stand tall and be strong in defense of those great virtues which have been the backbone of our social progress. When you are united, your power is limitless. You can accomplish anything you wish to accomplish.
-President Gordon B. Hinckley

“Write down in a secure place the important things you learn from the Spirit. You will find that as you write down precious impressions, often more will come. Also, the knowledge you gain will be available throughout your life. Always, day or night, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, seek to recognize and respond to the direction of the Spirit.”
― Richard G. Scott

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty