Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014

Well my first week has gone by!! It went by faster than I thought but it came with a lot of things that we needed to do. Elder A had been with a missionary that just didn't really want to do anything to help the branch here so they didn't really progress in the time that he was here. Now that he is gone, Elder A and I have taken charge in the things that need to be done. We hope that things will become better over time due to our work and effort.

First off, we had to fix the list of recent converts, the people that have been members for 2 yrs or less. The list had been lost before so we had to get a new one printed and then we had to divide it up due to the fact that we share the Branch with a pair of Sisters here. So after we divided it up, we had to go and look for each and ever one of the people to make sure that they actually exist and that they are who they are in the list. That includes making sure the addresses are right and that people can know how to get there just by reading it. The addresses are super weird here, unlike in the US where they go by house number and street number. Here, they go by famous points of interest and how many blocks it is away from that point... so a lot of people get really mixed up looking for houses sometimes.

Second thing, we don't have very many people teaching right now so we had to go by and make sure that the people we are teaching at the moment are going ok and then we have to make sure we are constantly looking for more people to teach. Its hard in this richer area due to how no one is in the street and they are mostly Catholics. We try our best but we need alot of help from the members to find people to teach. That leads to another thing...

The Branch here is a little messed up... The Branch Pres is a recent convert, he was baptized in January and he was called as Branch Pres about 3 months ago. So not only is he new to the gospel but he is new in the whole leadership calling. He has a hard time knowing what is going on and it bugs him when he asks people to help him and they don't do it. But none of what is going on is his fault. The members here are all members of 10-17 yrs ago and know perfectly well what needs to be done, they just don't wanna do it. Its hard on Pres because he needs the help but the other leaders in the church just don't wanna do their part. He asks and asks but no one completes their part. So tonight we are going to go over some things with him and then we shall have a Branch Council with all the leaders and tell them whats up!!! I'm excited to see how much the Branch can progress!!

Hope everything is going good at home! I miss you all!! Love you guys!!

“Men will be held accountable for the things which they have and not for the things they have not. … All the light and intelligence communicated to them from their beneficent creator, whether it is much or little, by the same they in justice will be judged, and … they are required to yield obedience and improve upon that and that only which is given, for man is not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
—Joseph Smith

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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