Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

Dale pues!! Tiempo para Elder Daugherty!!

Ok so this week wasn't as good as others but it was alright! So on Tuesday, we went to teach G and his family. He was there ready to learn with his Moskito Bible in hand. But this time I came prepared... I brought one of the Zone Leaders with me who is from Guatemala who knows the Bible way better than I do right now. The purpose of this visit was to see if G really wanted to be baptized or if he just wanted to play around with religions, which a lot of people do here. So we showed up and started the lesson with a prayer. After, we started to read about the Seventh Day stuff in the Bible because G wanted to know what day is the Sabbath Day and how can we know. After we started to read, we had to explain to him the Jehovah is Jesus Christ, not God. He had a really hard time understanding it and started to fight us about it. The thing is that the Bible he has in Miskito is translated wrong. Whenever it says Jehovah is says ''Dawan'' which is the say word for God in Miskito. So all his life, he has grown up reading that Dawan is Jehovah, or God. So it was really hard for him to change his thinking about the Trinity. It didn't really work so we moved on to a different subject, about the Seventh Day. There are a lot of scriptures that say that the Seventh day is the last day of the week but we all know that Jesus taught the Apostles that they should gather on the first day of the week and part the bread and water (sacrament) and that day should be the Sabbath Day. After we tried to explain to him this, he stated that the apostles were only men, and men are not perfect. So he believed that when the apostles gathered on the first day of the week, it was because they just did that as a group and not under the instruction of the Master. It is hard to teach someone who does not want to listen. So to make a long story a little shorter, we asked him what his intentions were with the church. He said that he was trying out the different churches to see what one he liked the best. After teaching him a bit more, he decided that he couldn't make those changes in his life or his beliefs and that it would be better if he stayed with his Seventh Day church and the things that they taught. So we had to drop them because he refused to believe the simple teachings in the Bible. It’s really interesting to see how different people interpret the teaching in the Bible and how they form their churches around it. It’s really weird to be walking down the street and see one of the many churches here having a gathering a prayer or party, I don't know exactly what to call it because it certainly isn't what I'm used to. A lot of the churches here have bands or people that come to play guitar or piano during their meetings. There is one church down the street from our church that has huge performances, like plays, about 3 times a week. You can hear any of these meetings about 4 blocks away from where they actually are.

But despite all the chaos and craziness that is going on in our Zone and is our area, we are moving forward, constantly looking for new people to bring to the knowledge of the church. By the way, Thank you so much Gpa and Gma Daugherty for your letters!! I love reading them; I wish I had more time to write back! And Gpa and Gma Poulsen, I got your letters and the talks you sent me. I wish I had time to write you guys too and answer all your questions! I love you all and hope everything is going good back at home.

“The standard of truth has been erected; No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”
--Joseph Smith, History of the Church

¡¡¡Les quiero mucho!!!
Elder Daugherty

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