Monday, March 18, 2013

March18, 2013

OK!! So just to start my week, we had a lot of crazy and sad experiences. One of our recent convert families decided to split up because she thought that he came home drunk on Monday. It’s a really complicated story that has to deal with both of them not getting along with the other persons family. So we have had to deal with that all week and a bunch of other crap that has been going on in the mission. There was a lawyer that all the missionaries used to marry the people that need it. This lawyer has been working with the missionaries for the past 3 years. Well recently we found out that all the work he has been doing with marriages and divorces, was all fake. He was making false documents and giving them to these families. I don't know how he got away with it for so long but now we have to go back to all the families that he worked with and get them married and divorced again because it wasn't done right the first time. That is another long and complicated story. Also, my old companion, Elder M, I believe that he is going home. He bought his own phone and was talking to young women in the ward and to women that we were teaching. Another word for young women that flirt with the missionaries is ''Musas''. I might have already shared this but my old comp was doing this while he was with me and I didn't know it. He was making plans to get together with one of the musas that we were teaching and preparing for baptism. He was planning on going to a party with her and after, going to someone’s house so that they could be alone. And he was telling her that after he finished his mission, he was going to come back for her to bring her back to Salvador with him. So that caused a lot of unnecessary crap in my area where my comp and I got mixed into. So after all this crazy stuff, Sunday came. And I don't know if any of you guys knew but the Temple in Tegucigalpa, Honduras was dedicated. So all Sunday, we went to all 3 sessions of the Dedicatory prayers. It was really cool. Elder Holland and Elder Uchdorf were there. They conducted the session in English and had a Translator there to speak Spanish to the people. All 3 sessions were really good but I liked the last one the best. Elder Holland was giving the last talk before the last dedicatory pray. Elder Holland bore his testimony in Spanish that the Savior lives and that the Temple there in Honduras was what the Lord wanted. And that without temples, we cannot feel the joy, peace, and happiness we get in life. I felt the spirit so strongly that I was almost crying. He is a prophet called of God and bore it in a language that was not his own, but of the language of the sons of God. I truly know that Temples are key in the work of the Lord and that we can feel so much closer to God and the Lord when we are in them. I can’t wait until Nicaragua gets a temple and how blessed the people will be with it in their lives. I love the work of the Lord and I am so happy to be here in Nicaragua to prepare the people for a Temple someday.
¡¡¡Les Quiero Mucho!!!

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