Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25, 2013

Hola familia!!!!

So guess what!? I didn't get changed again! So I am still in Villa Venezuela!! I really like it here but the area is still a little difficult. But my comp had changes so Elder G left. He got moved to a different area that is still within our Zone so I get to see him during meetings and such. He has been my most favorite comp so far in the mission. I have a new comp. Elder C. He is from Guatemala. He has about 18 or 19 months in the mission. I don't know for sure because he wont tell me. Every time I or anyone else asks, he tells them he has about 5 months. He has a really good teaching method but from what I have figured out lately is that he wont work on his own. So if I don't work, he wont work. If I just sat in the house all day, he would do the same with no problem at all. Also, if he doesn't get to do what he wants to do, he will sit around and be super lazy until he gets it. I have only been with him for a few days but you can learn a lot about someone in such little time. But I figure if the Lord wants me to be with a companion like this, he either wants me to help him or he wants me to learn something, or both. I don't know but I am trying hard to know what the Lord wants for me in my life. Sometimes my mind wanders to home and I start to think about the future and what things I would like to do or things I need to do after I get home and I start to get a little stressed about what may happen after I got home. But I stop and think about my purpose as a missionary. I am here to the people of Nicaragua, not for myself. I am here, specifically in Villa Venezuela, Villa Flor, where that are people here, waiting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to change their lives. I know that when I put my trust in the Lord that He will provide for me no matter what happens in my life. And that is what I am here to teach people to do too. That they can put their trust in the Lord and that He will help them no matter what. What is hard, is getting them to take that leap of faith and doing it. It is hard to wait for the blessings in our lives, especially the visible blessings. The people of Nicaragua have a hard time with that. Having the faith to trust the Lord long enough that they will be able to see the blessings that come from it. Because the moment they see those blessings, they stick to the truth because they know where they can find help and relief. I like this quote by Pres Monson because it is so true!! When we do our part, the power of God can change our lives forever.

''When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes."
--Pres. Thomas S. Monson

¡¡¡Les Quiero Muchisimo!!!


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