Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

So me and my comp had a sit down and we laid out what we were going to do as a companionship and how we can help the people that we are here for. It went really well and now we are working so well together!! So this week, Tuesday to be exact, we went out contacting with A, the second counselor to the bishop in our ward. We were walking by a house where 2 ladies were sitting outside and we decided to contact them. Normally we would have past them but A thought it would be a good idea. So we talked to them and they didn't seem very positive but A said that we were going to pass by the next day to teach them a lesson. So the next day, we stopped by just because we didn't have much else to do. It turned out that there were 6 people in the family waiting for us to show up so we could teach them. We taught them the first lesson about the Restoration and they loved it. They ask a ton of questions and we do our best to answer them all. We have taught them about 4 times this past week and every time we have taught them, the Spirit it so strong that the whole family starts crying. We have had almost everyone in the family say the closing pray and every time they do it, they start to cry because they feel something that they didn't know how to describe. Because we are in a mission that baptizes families, we were really looking for a family with these people. Well we found out that there are 3 Families that live in that house and we didn't know about it until yesterday!!! We were able to bring one of those families to church along with some of the single people. They really loved church and they always want to know more!! So guess what?! We put a goal with them. A goal to the BAPTIZED!! This Saturday after the conference sessions!! They are all really excited and we are working with the rest of the families so that they can be able to participate in the blessings that the others are receiving. My comp and I are super pumped to be working with this family and to be helping them to complete the commandments of God so that they can have a eternal happiness. I love this family and I really want to help them to gain that eternal salvation that they are able to gain when they follow the Lord and do the things they need to do to become closer to Him.

“God is the Father of our spirits. We are literally His children, and He loves us. We lived as spirit children of our Father in Heaven before we were born on this earth. We were not, however, like our Heavenly Father, nor could we ever become like Him and enjoy all the blessings that He enjoys without the experience of living in mortality with a physical body. God’s whole purpose—His work and His glory—is to enable each of us to enjoy all His blessings. He has provided a perfect plan to accomplish His purpose. We understood and accepted this plan before we came to the earth”      --ELder L. Tom Perry

¡¡¡Les Quiero MUCHO!!!


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