Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

Okey Doke.... what did I do this week.... Well I work, work, work, slept, ate occasionally, and prayed and studied. My days don't get very different but they do get pretty exciting sometimes. When you walk the streets full of tons of people from different religions, drunks, gays, dogs, musas, etc... its makes my days pretty awesome.

Let me tell you a few of the experiences I have had with these few things of Nicaragua. Lets start with the different religions. There are a lot of people are are really stubborn about their religion and don't want anyone to try to change it or talk against it. One time, we were looking for a address and normally we ask the people where things are because they know the area better than we do. We went up to the nearest house at the time, and said ''Buenas!!''. That is the custom to ''knock doors''. Well the people inside immediately said, ''NO!!! We're Evangelicals!! Go Away!!''. We stated that we were just looking for a address and if they could help us. Their attitude changed fast and they gladly helped us find the house we were looking for. That's the thing about the people here that already are strong in another church. If you ask them for help, they will help you like you were their best friend but the moment you start to talk about the gospel, they shut you down and usually in a harsh way backed up with scriptures. That's hard to deal with but I still love these people!!

Drunks... I don't know what else to say other than that. I believed that I have talked about drunks before in the last letters. But the drunks here are pretty funny. They usually like to ask us for money or pamphlets about the Word of Wisdom. I pretty sure they use them to smoke their drugs though... We see them every day, more on weekends, sleeping in the gutters, chilling with other drunks, laughing at nothing, and yelling at women that walk by. My areas wouldn't be the way they are without the drunks. They make the area!!!

Gays, and Musas. I'm going to do these 2 together because they usually do the same things. Groups of these people are almost always in groups or sitting with family outside their houses. When we pass, we try to say hi to everyone but sometimes it is hard to get everyone. Well when we pass musas or gays, they like to make little kissey sounds and say sweet little phrases. Or we will say bye to them and they will say bye back but in a really flirty way. We usually just laugh and keep on walking. The kinds of people here make me laugh a lot but hey, we are all sons and daughters of God and we all have the things we need to change in our lives. Sorry for all of you that think I'm perfect, but, I'm not. Actually, no one is.. So I guess we're all even in one way.

Dogs... Well for those of you that have been to Mexico, or any other country where the conditions aren't the best, you will see that there is an unusual amount of dogs. The dogs here, breed like hamsters so there are tons of them in all shapes, sizes, and breeds. Well the other day, we were visiting a house of a Recent Convert and they have 2 really big dogs. One of them is usually hooked up in the back because it would probably eat me if he wasn't. The other is named Max and he is a really big yellow lab with a gimpy leg. He was hit by a truck a long time ago and it healed at a weird angle and he just deals with it. Well I was talking to my Recent Convert and   Max was sitting next to me. All of the sudden, my RC started to yell and freak out. Max decided to mark my shoe as part of his territory. Lucky it was only my shoe so it wasn't too bad but it was pretty funny. The RC family teased me for the rest of the night for it. The digs here will get in really big fights if other dogs enter their territory and they bark ALL NIGHT LONG!! Try sleeping in that!!

Well I hope you enjoyed those experiences and that they enlightened your day!! Time for a spiritual quote!!

"Sometimes the Lord calms the storm, and sometimes he lets the storm rage and calms the child."
---John H. Groberg

¡¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!!


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