Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

Well!! lets start off with some noticias!! I complete 8 months in the mission today!! I have completed a 3rd of my mission and I have loved every bit of it! It is amazing how fast the time has flown by and how much I have accomplished here in Nicaragua. Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley said this... “In this work there must be commitment. There must be devotion. We are engaged in a great eternal struggle that concerns the very souls of the sons and daughters of God. We are not losing. We are winning. We will continue to win if we will be faithful and true. We can do it. We must do it. We will do it. There is nothing the Lord has asked of us that in faith we cannot accomplish.” Here in Nicaragua, there must be commitment, devotion, and lots and lots of work. If I am not working like I should be, I am losing those chances that I have as a missionary to share the gospel with someone else that needs it or that the Lord has prepared for me, especially for me. I try my hardest to be prepared spiritually and physically to go where the Lord wants me to go and to talk to those that the Lord puts in my way.

So this week.... well nothing too exciting happened. I did have an awesome experience with a Recent Convert though. He was talking to us about some problems he had with work. His boss wanted him to work on Sunday last week. So my RC(recent convert) worked a lot on Saturday and ditched his job on Sunday so he could go to church. His boss didn't like that very much. My RC talked to his boss and his boss was alright with what had happened but wanted him to work on Sunday again, yesterday. So my RC quit his job because he wants to go to church. He told me he did it because he had made a promise with the Lord when he was baptized that he would be obedient and that if his boss didn't understand that, then he wasn't going to be working for him anymore. So he has been looking for work really hard lately. He talked to the Elders Quorum Pres and he is helping my RC get some help through the church to find a new job. He was talking to me and told me that he had put all his trust in the Lord and just waited for the Lord to help him out and do his part. Well the Lord has started to bless him a lot!! A lot more than he thinks actually. I love to see when people actually realize the blessings of the Lord in their life. And when they want to keep being obedient so they can receive more blessings. The standard Nica (Nicaraguense) way is to talk and not act. A lot of people here are all words and no action. We have a lot of families that say they want to go to church or hear our message. And then when we show up to teach them or take them to church, they aren't there or are busy that they cant go anymore. A lot of people do it on purpose though and its really hard for us to waste time on people who don't want to progress. But we deal with what we have and we thank the Lord that He has given us the little yet very valuable  people that are ready to accept the will of the Lord and follow his commandments. I love this mission and the work that I am doing here!!

“After all that has been said, our greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel.”
---Joseph Smith

¡¡¡¡Les Quiero MUCHISIMO!!!!


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