Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

So this week went by fast but it really was worth it. So I got a new comp, SR. He is a mini missionary from Matagalpa. That means that he is just assigned to be my comp to help me out. He isn't a missionary yet but has his call to go to Peru on the 30th. So he has been with me this week helping me out.

Well this week was pretty awesome!!! I'm still listening to conference and I'm currently reading the BoM and I'm in Mosiah 23, marking and such. We found this family that went to church with us last Sunday and went yesterday that we put a baptismal date with for the 26th of Oct. This family is pretty cool and we are excited to marry them and baptize them. We also found this other family that are hardcore Catholics but decided to go to church with us yesterday... that was cool!! They have a little grandson that makes me laugh! He likes to play with me whenever I go over to visit!! His g-ma thinks it bothers me but I love it! Little kids give me some of the best moments of my mission. We also found this family that has a clothes shop. He was born here but grew up in California so he speaks English perfectly. He speaks like a gangster but it really trips me out whenever I talk to him. We are going to be working with him and his wife more so we can baptize them!!!

Now for the experience of the week....
Well we were walking to a lesson and I was in divisions with Elder E. He has been having problems with his stomach lately and runs to the bathroom a lot. So we went to a appointment that we had that they were going to cook us dinner. We showed up a little late and they said that they were going to go to bed so we decided to leave. Well while we were leaving, E had a sudden need to use the bathroom and accidentally farted right in front of the family that I'm teaching!! We later ran to the nearest members house so he could use the bathroom. We were laughing so hard about it after that he had actually done that in front of someone. It was super loud. He was then going to the bathroom all night every 10 mins due to his tummy problems. Poor E.

So during the week, I was talking to my comp, SR about the mission and how sometimes one may need to wait to go on the mission due to some sins. He seemed confused and I explained it to him. Well he had somethings that he hadn't told the bishop so we went to the Mission Office today so he could talk to Pres and now he will be waiting another 6 to 9 months to go on his mission. He went home today which means that I will be getting a new comp tomorrow. SR is 26 yrs old and is thinking a lot about just getting married instead of going on the mission. He has a hard case to deal with but I think he would have left on his mission without saying anything if he hadn't of been my comp. He told me that he would rather go home and be clean than go on the mission heavy of sin. He really inspired me to be a little better each day and to know that the Atonement of Christ is there for all of us to use, no matter the circumstance.

It is my testimony that many of the deepest regrets of tomorrow can be prevented by following the Savior today. If we have sinned or made mistakes—if we have made choices that we now regret—there is the precious gift of Christ’s Atonement, through which we can be forgiven. We cannot go back in time and change the past, but we can repent.
~ Deiter F. Utchdorf


Elder Daugherty

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