Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

Hey!!! I hope everyone got to enjoy conference!! I should would have if I would have had the chance to watch it... I just downloaded them so I can listen to them during the week. Its kinda sad that I wasn't able to see it but as a missionary here in Nicaragua, if I didn't have anyone to bring with me to Conference, I'm not able to go. We worked super hard all week to be able to take people to Conference but at the last moment, everyone decided to run away, hide, lie, or straight up not want to go. We had about 8 families that we had prepared to go with us and every single one of them fell through.. It really sad that these people lost out on the chance to see the Prophet speak in person. I know that they get to see him again in 6 months but this is a special chance that they get 2 times a year.

Well the spiritual experience this week....

We went to teach E and M this week to see how they were doing. Well only E was there and we decided to see where he was in reading the Book of Mormon. He is in the 24 chapter of 2 Nephi. So we read a chapter with him, explained it, and asked him if there was anything we could do to help them. He then went on to tell us how the President of the Relief Society has been visiting them and seeing the help that they need. She brought them a bag of food the night that they happened to run out. They saw the blessings that the Lord provided them and continues to provide them when they follow the commandments of the Lord. I truly love this family. I've said that a lot but I cant describe the way I feel for this family.

To make matters a bit more crazy for this week of Conference, the power and water decided to go away all day... Well that made it even harder to bring people to church when they hadn't bathed yet or cooked their meals. That didn't help. We also had a baptism planned in the afternoon but because there was no water, we weren't able to do it. We tried to do it today and that didn't happen either because there still isn't water in the chapel in Tipitapa or in the other chapel closest to Tipitapa. Sucks!! But We did our very best to find all the other different ways we could be able to baptize this weekend and we couldn't do anything about it. Even if we do our very best, if the Lord doesn't want it to happen at that time, it isn't going to happen. So maybe tomorrow is the day. I guess we will find out!!

Also, the fan that I was using to sleep at night to cool me off, decided to die off and leave me sweating and miserable during the night. That's how I slept last night and the night before. The mission is trying to fix some things in the mission so who knows when I will be getting another fan.... Hopefully soon. My comp hasn't had one for about a month. I don't know how he has been able to sleep without a fan but he does it. Now we both don't have a fan and we will suffer together!!!

It is recorded that Jesus was made perfect through suffering. If he was made perfect through suffering, why should we imagine for one moment that we can be prepared to enter into the kingdom of rest with him and the Father, without passing through similar ordeals?
--Brigham Young

Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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