Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

Well we baptized this week!! Another family!! C and G! They are an odd couple but there go to church and do the things they need to do to gain the blessings. We baptized them on Saturday in the morning. Later that day, we had a mission activity for the Branch. We planned a Tree of Life activity. We got some rope and put it through the church as best as we could and put a bunch of obstacles in the way. We covered their eyes with some old ties we had and sent them through the church holding on to the ''rod''. When they got to the second to last room, we took the cover off their eyes and had a plate of apples, grapes, and cupcakes that we used to tempt people to let go of the rod. Elder C and I were able to do that part. Not very many let go of the rod to get the treats. Only about 6 did it. The members didn't really understand what was going on, they were only told to hold to the rope and if they wanted to let go, it was their choice but there was something big at the end. At the end, we watched the Living Scripture version of the Tree of Life. The members really loved it and it was cool to see how many were able to understand and apply it in their own life.

Experience of the Week:
We found this new family, O and A. They have a little girl named B. I was looking for a shirt to get for my recent convert and I ran into this family. They own a clothes shop and they were sitting in the front where I contacted them. Orlando was born here in Nicaragua but he was raised in California. So he can speak English perfectly. He talks like gangster though. He teaches  his wife and his little girl and they know a little bit. But we talked to them about the church and we made another visit with them for the next day. When we went back, we taught them about the restoration of the church and about the importance of the priesthood and the family. We went back a couple days later and taught them about the family and how important it is, seeing as they aren't married, about how they need to get married to follow Gods commandments, etc. I feel the spirit so strong when I am with this family and even when I think about them, I feel the spirit just letting me know that they are a special family. In our first lesson, I cried a little bit when I was testifying of the power of the gospel and how much it has blessed my family. I think a lot of my family when I am with O and A. I can see how much they need this gospel and how much it will bless them. I can also see that they know it too. They have told me that they have prayed and felt that the things we are teaching are true. They went to church this Sunday and loved it. My plan this week is to work toward baptism. I truly love this family and want the very best for them!! Its hard to explain my feelings because I have so many toward this family.

Hope everyone is well and that the Lord will continue to bless you!!!

“Thus one of the most important labors we can perform is to seek the Spirit. The older I get and the more I reflect upon the truths of the gospel, the more I am driven toward this one imperative: Seek the Spirit. If eternal life is indeed the greatest of all the gifts of God in eternity (D&C 6:13; 14:7), then surely the companionship of the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift we can receive in time, in this mortal sphere.” Wilford Woodruff

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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