Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 30, 2013

Wow, the week already passed? It feels like yesterday I was in here writing you guys about last week... Well just a notification!!! Be aware of the time because if you don't, it might just run away from you.

So this week we spent finding new people to teach and helping the recent converts grow stronger in the gospel. We have been working alot with E and M. The day after their baptism, they started having problems in their families. E's brother got worse in the hospital and his family was pretty tense about it and some of his family was fighting over it. M's sisters and their husbands are fighting and things got pretty bad. But what amazes me is that they are still reading the scriptures and praying together and everything! We have been passing by and teaching them the lessons again so they understand better and they seem to soak it in and then start to live it! That's what the gospel really is! Living its principles and learning from them and strengthening your faith. We passed by on Saturday to see how they were doing and the trials had come again but in a different form. M broke her foot about 3 months ago and just got out of the cast. Seeing as she is the only one that has a job in the family, she goes out and sells candy at the bus stops in Tipitapa. Well her foot had started swelling and was hurting her pretty bad. E had an infection in his leg about 3 months ago but it decided to come back that night. They don't have any money, not even enough to buy some meds to get rid of the pain. Well even though they are struggling due to money and pain issues, they still went to church!! Most of the people I know here in Nicaragua, if they were hurting or didn't feel good, they wouldn't even think about going to church that day. Well this family has such faith that they knew that if they could follow through with the commandments that God has given them, that He would bless them according to their faith. I cant wait to see what blessings that they will receive here pretty soon but I also know that the trials with just get harder. They will be tested to see how strong they really are. I know that the Lord gives us trials to grow spiritually and to bless us. If we all could have the faith like this family, I wonder what kind of blessings we could receive.

I have had so many spiritual experience with this family that I cant even tell all of them. All I know is that the Lord prepared this family to help strengthen His church  here in Tipitapa. E could be future Branch President or Bishop in Tipitapa and M could be the future Relief Society President. President Collado told us that we need to be looking for the leaders of the church, the future bishops, elders quorum pres and so forth. If we are able to convert these future leaders, imagine what the church will be like in a few years here in Nicaragua.

Remember!! Don't let the bumps in life get you down, they are there for us to climb them and make ourselves stronger!!

“As you build your lives in obedience to the gospel and strive to achieve your goals, do not become discouraged by temporary setbacks and disappointments. Remember that ‘it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things.’ You will grow and learn by overcoming obstacles. The Lord has admonished all of us to ‘keep [His] commandments and endure to the end.’”
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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