Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014

So another week had passed her in Tipitapa :) well the time is passing as normal but flying before my eyes!! So this week was pretty crazy!! Had alot of meetings all week that were really awesome!!

So on Tuesday, we had a Training Meeting for all those that are training new missionaries, so that meant us. So we headed to Managua to the meeting in the morning. We were there all day passing over the things that we need to be teaching our comps and how well we need to be following the rules and all the things that Pres Collado tells us we need to do, or the Lord. So we were able to get really excited to get to work during the week due to that meeting.

On Friday, we had a special Multi Mission meeting with Elder Soares of the 70 and Elder Ocoa of the Area Presidency. So we got together in the South Mission at a really big Chapel with all the missionaries form both missions!! Talk about alot of missionaries!!! It was weird because there were so many that I didn't know... Saw some of my old comps and talked to them and they are doing pretty good. So in this meeting, Pres Collado and his wife talked, Pres Russell and his wife form the other mission talked, Elder Ochoa and his wife talked, and then Elder Soares and his wife talked. The thing that they focused on talking about was the importance of the work of the Lord, Missionary Work with the members. He explained how important it is because if we try working apart, that we will go nowhere, but if we work together, we will be able to bring many souls unto salvation. Later that night, he had a meeting with all the leaders of the church and talked to them that they need to help lift the pressure from off our shoulders as missionaries because it seems like all the time, only we are doing the work. So Elder Soares really focused on that and how much we really need to start working on it since Pres Monson asked us to do it awhile ago and we have very little progression with it.

Well I got to go to Managua today with Elder D and stop by the Distribution Center to get some stuff. Found a movie there, How Rare a Possession. It says its about the conversion process of Parley Pratt and Vansca Francesca.. something like that. I hope to be able to watch it this week to see how good it is. Well Love you all and hope things are going great at home!!! Good luck!!

Apostolic Blessing from Elder Soares.....
 Have the ability to represent Jesus Christ in a dignified manner. From that opening your mouth to have the power to teach investigators to change their hearts and have the desire to follow and fulfill their commitments. Have the security and inspiration to know where to walk and if necessary take another path and doing so, stay safe.


Elder Daugherty

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