Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Well lets start off with some news.... Changes were today!!! and guess what!!! My comp and I were left in the area!!! So I'm able to spend another 6 weeks in Tipitapa!! Im super excited and super pumped to get to work with my comp!! We are ready to get going and baptising all the people that we happen to get in contact with!!!

SO this week was pretty interesting with the new year and everything!! Any new year goals?! Well mine was to put myself even more into the work of the Lord. Sometimes it is easy to sit around a bit and talk with the members and stuff but sometimes we need to get out and get doing the work!!! So my goal for this year is to Get Out and Do It!!!

So in all the time here in Tipitapa, I have learned a lot about the people of Nicaragua and how I can help them..  They are such a loving people but they can be quite stubborn sometimes. The little things in life mean more to them at times than what they need to become happy. So us as missionaries we do our very best to help them understand that they need to think in a bigger perspective of the things in life and look for the ways that they can help their family and not just themselves.

This week we didn't do much due to the new year but this Sunday we had a lot more people show up than normal. Alot of inactive people showed up and alot of recent converts that normally had to be dragged to church showed up too. Maybe this new year motivated them to make a change. Lets see how long this lasts. Hopefully we can teach them how important it is to endure to the end and that they can keep going to church and doing the things they need to. Love the people here!!!

“The effect of God’s commandments and laws is not changed to accommodate popular behavior or desires. If anyone thinks that godly or parental love for an individual grants the loved one license to disobey the law, he or she does not understand either love or law.”
-- Dallin H. Oaks

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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