Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

Well this week has been pretty good and crazy!! We started out the week by visiting a bunch of people that we had brought to church last Sunday. One of the families, we had taught them and they wanted to start making changes in their lives and start being better. So we helped them to get prepared especially with the Word of Wisdom. We used to drink and would still do it every once in awhile but after we talked to him and set some goals, he has stopped and it helping his family more and being more of a father and husband than he was before. We taught them about baptism and they wanted to do it. But like almost every other Nica, they needed to get married first. So on Saturday, that's what we did, We married them and baptized them. After, I was talking to them about how they felt, like many others, they said that they felt clean and that they were starting to live a new life where the Lord will be able to help them more.

But what really triggered this big change in their life is one of the things that was holding them back in the beginning. Beer and Liquor. We Visited them Tuesday night and they were having a party with their family. It was more of a party that their family had planned and forced them to have it at their house. This party consisted of about 10 people that were so drunk, they could barely walk. My comp, wasn't thinking at the moment and we entered the house. I was scared out of my mind because I didn't know what and when something was going to happen. We started to talk to the family, who weren't drunk, about how they could fix this problem and what they need to do to do it. Well, like many drunk Nicas, when they see a Gringo, they immediately start to try and speak English and make fools out of themselves. One guy was screaming at me in English, asking me what my name was, where I was from, and if I wanted to talk to him in English. I told him that I didn't speak English and like many other drunks, he believed me. He turned to my comp, grabbed him and started to talk to him in English which my comp doesn't understand at all. After a while we were able to get out of there. We went the a house where they had invited us to eat dinner and calmed down. 5 minutes after, the house that we had just left from which wasn't too far away started to get in a huge fight. One of the ladies that was super drunk was yelling and throwing punches ever which way and who ever she could hit. That, mixed with a bunch of other people that were really drunk just started a huge fight where everyone was jumping, yelling, punching, etc. We had left just in time but we really never should have entered there in the first place.

The Lord has really blessed me in my mission not only protecting me but helping His work here move on in an area that has really struggled in the past. We really need His help even more these days because our Branch is starting to get alittle apostized. The Branch Pres doesnt know exactly what he is doing and assigns people to do his jobs for him. And these people are teaching doctrine that isnt true. There are many members here that have become less active and dont want anything to do with the church because of the problems that our Branch Pres has caused and is continuing to cause. We as missionaries are trying our very best to fix all the problems him and others are causing here in the branch. We have talked to District Presidents, Mission Pres and other leaders to fix this problem but it seems like its taking too long for anything to happen. I would go into more detail but I dont want to confuse anyone that is reading this about any doctrine of the church. We are doing our best and praying that hopefully a change is soon to come in the future. The Branch really needs someone that knows what they are doing and knows how to do it good. Every day we work harder and harder to strengthen the members here to stay strong and to lean on the Lord and His true teachings.

“You should expect you will have to fit into the pattern. And so you must not be surprised as He arranges experiences for you, in answer to your search for Him, which will break your heart. That is as it must be.”
--Denver C. Snuffer, Jr.

¡¡¡Les Amo MUCHO!!!

Elder Daugherty

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