Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9. 2013

Well this week has been pretty crazy!! On Wednesday, we had a meeting where we met the new Pres of the mission. His Name is Pres Collado from Costa Rica. He has his wife and 3 young kids of the ages of 14, 12, and 8. The 2 older ones are girls and their youngest is a boy. The meeting was for them to introduce themselves, to get to know all the missionaries and to let us know what they expect from us. His wife, Hna Collado, talked to us about how we are the hands of Christ. She shared the talk that Elder Uchtdorf shared in the April Conference.

She talked about how as missionaries, we are sent to the places that the Lord needs us to do His work. He isn't there in person but He is there through the teachings of the missionaries and through the Spirit that we bring. So to help us remember that we are the Hands of the Lord, we did some painting. We painted our hands and pressed them against a banner that says we are the hands of Christ. Our whole Zone did it along with the Pres and his Wife. It now stands as an ensign that we have committed to be the Hands of Christ and to do His work always.

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to baptize another family! This family are the parents of the pregnant girl we baptized about 3 weeks ago. But we had a slight twist thrown at us that we had to deal with. The husband has a problem with his legs. Well one of them anyways. He has a disease that is kind of like Muscular Dystrophy. About 2 years ago, this disease conquered his left leg. It now only works to support his weight. He can still walk but he struggles. He uses the good leg to move forward and uses the other leg to support his weight as he steps forward. So the Baptismal Font in our church would be impossible for him to enter due to the fact that the font is a big foam hot tube that you have to climb into. So we took this family to another church that is close in the area that has a normal walk in font. He went in, shoes and all to be baptized. My comp baptised him and I helped support him. They did the prayer normally and after, the man put his arm around my comps neck and my comp went under the water with him to make sure his whole body was covered. It was funny because the moment he went under, the mans leg that doesn't work, started to float to the top of the water. I had to grab it to keep it under so we wouldn't have to dunk the guy again!! After, we gave them the Holy Ghost and everything went smoothly.
Their daughter that is pregnant is about to have her baby too. The doctor told her last week that she was suppose to have her son but nothing has happened. They found out that the baby is in a sitting position and that it why she hasn't felt anything yet. If her baby was in a different position, she would have had her baby awhile ago. But because her baby is in the sitting position, they will have to operate, or in other words, open her up so she can have her baby. We gave her a blessing the other day that everything would go well and that her new baby boy would be a blessing for her life. Almost everyone in their house is a member now and they are one family that I know the Lord will blessing them alot.

"It may seem that the world is in commotion; and it is! It may seem that there are wars and rumors of wars; and there are! It may seem that the future will hold trials and difficulties for you; and it will! However, fear is the opposite of faith. Do not be afraid! I do not fear."
--Pres. Boyd K. Packer

¡¡¡Les Amo Mucho!!!

Elder Daugherty

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